
Email Support Agent

With Timeproof
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Looking for part-time work (4 hours/day)

at $5.00/hour ($440.00/month)

Bachelors degree

Last Active

May 10th, 2024 (24 days ago)

Member Since

October 9th, 2019

Profile Description

Email Customer Support (6 Years):
I have continuously provided excellent customer support throughout my six-year career in Email Customer Support. I have polished my skills in understanding and responding to consumer needs promptly and professionally. I have successfully monitored and resolved customer inquiries using solutions such as Gorgias and Freshdesk, achieving high satisfaction.
Product Page Development (4 Years):
I've spent the last four years specializing in product page building, particularly on Shopify. My background includes optimizing product listings to improve user experience and increase sales. I have a track record of building and maintaining product sites that easily integrate with marketing initiatives, resulting in improved sales and consumer engagement.
Media Buying (2 Years):
My two years of experience as a media buyer have given me the knowledge and abilities to run internet advertising campaigns efficiently. I am knowledgeable about products like Facebook Ads Manager, Pinterest Ad Launch, and Facebook Ad Launch. I've effectively implemented media buying methods to increase ROI and reach target consumers.
Tool proficiency:
I am skilled in a variety of tools, including:
Gorgias and Freshdesk for providing outstanding email customer service. Shopify is used for product research, creation, sourcing, fulfillment, and other purposes. Time Doctor and Hubstaff allow for accurate work-hour tracking. Use Facebook Ads Library, Adspy, and Kopy for in-depth competitor research and analysis. Deepl provides linguistic assistance when needed. For advanced account management, use Addison and Multilogin. Use Facebook Ads Manager for campaign optimization. Pinterest Ad Launch for targeted advertising. Facebook Ad Launch for campaign execution.
I am a Shopify expert with extensive knowledge of product research, creation, sourcing, fulfillment, cancellation discounts, and app integration to improve e-commerce operations. Furthermore, my knowledge of Gorgias extends to all elements, including adding teams, macros, and rules and integrating emails and social media accounts, resulting in faster customer service processes.
My reputation is based on my thorough attention to detail, excellent organizational skills, and ability to manage various jobs while meeting deadlines frequently. I am well-known for my flexibility with new tools and technology and persistent dedication to providing excellent customer service.

Top Skills

Customer Support

Customer Support » Email Support

Customer Support » Social Media Moderation

Other Skills

Customer Support » Technical Support

Customer Support » Phone Support

Customer Support » Forum Community Moderation

Customer Support » Content Management

Basic Information

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GINGOOG CITY, Misamis Oriental
Tests Taken
Score:  135
Dominance: 0
Influence: 0
Steadiness: 0
Compliance: 0
B2(Upper Intermediate)
Uploaded ID
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