Real Results from Real People

Both Employers and Workers Succeeding Together

We change lives...

And we don't say that just to brag. But really, outsourcing is a transformative experience for both employers and workers. We have worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs who have been able to change their businesses, and their personal lives, with the freedom they create for themselves by leveraging outsourcing.

Here are just a few success stories from some of the entrepreneurs we've had the pleasure of working with:

Dear John and Dan,

I wanted to let you know how incredible my Virtual Assistant is that I found through OnlineJobs.Ph. I had been using other freelancer sites, spending a lot of time and money trying to find new people, with hit-and-miss results. After learning about your site from Chalene Johnson, I knew this would be the place to get quality help.

Arlo, my Virtual Assistant for the past 3 months that I found through you, takes the cake. He is all I could want in an assistant, and more, and in a price range I can afford as someone who is very new in my business. His En glish is impeccable, capturing the nuance and style of language needed to take creative control with repurposing my content into multiple social media platforms. He is versatile, prompt, and incredibly eager to learn and take on new tasks. I'm so thankful that even as a new entrepreneur with a day-job, I can afford to free up my time in key areas to focus on other things in my business. Plus, the work he does in social media is usually much better than I could do!


Mariah Secrest-Comer

“Love the work you're doing at I've had amazing success with building my virtual team.”

Kimberly Jimenez

See her full story

“I posted two jobs for hiring 3 VA’s and got 285 applications in the last 24 hours.”

Dennis Yu

See his full story

“I’ve hired assistants, social media marketers, project managers, full-stack developers, graphic designers, web designers, front-end developers, motion graphics…a little bit of everything.”


See his full story

“I was able to hire two VAs who are currently with me. They really did revolutionize the game and made managing my business easier.”

Travis Marziani

See his full story

“...this really is the number one website for finding virtual employees and it’s very simple to use. It’s just an absolute game changer.”


See his full story

“...the bottom line is that is by far the number one place to find the best of the best virtual assistants in the world. There is nothing else like it and it just keeps getting better and better every year.”

Dean Soto

See his full story

“I currently have 3 AMAZING VAs that I found on onlinejobs. Cannot recommend them highly enough. Just like any job, there are good and some that are not so good candidates. It's process but once you find the right one, your working life will never be the same..”

Brigitte Benge

“ is the most legit website in the world for hiring Filipino workers and VAs.”

Bodie Davison

See his full story

“I’ve found that on and having a virtual assistant has really helped me up my life. I’m able to focus fully on my day job.”


See her full story

“The virtual assistants I hire through have just been the best I found anywhere. They are highly experienced. They are highly trained. I don’t have to do much training to onboard them at all.”

Paul Lipsky

See his full story

...Now I have an agency of 15+ VAs all from

Ruben Kanya

“As far as hiring goes, once you find that one really smart, motivated, trustworthy VA, it will make your whole business so much easier.”


See his full story

“If you just go out and hire people who are good at what they do and they free you up to actually run your business, it's the best move in the world.”

JR Fisher

See his full story

“Once you start getting into the mindset of, ‘oh, someone else can do this,’ you realize how much of your business you don’t need to be doing yourself. You can free up so you can really focus on strategy and business growth as opposed to day to day operations and administration.”

Mariah Seacrest-Comer

See her full story

“I found that I can screen individual faster and more accurately with IQ & Disc profiling. And most of the candidates are better educated contrast with locals here..”

Tan Shiwei

See his full story

“Hi John, thank you very much for creating this awesome plattform. I am running a web development agency in Germany and my fellow pinoys helped me a lot in growing this company and providing good quality service to our customers. As I am half Pinoy and half German and also speak Tagalog almost fluently, I had it really easy connecting to my employees, some are working already 5 years for me. I think you really make an impact to a lot of lives over there. One of my employees told me, that prior to finding work via, he and his family were not eating regularly, now they can afford health care and schooling for their kids. Just wanted to thank you and keep on going with your great work.”

Roy Sommerfeld

“ changed my life years ago. When I started my agency, I was working my 60-80 hour work weeks. I watched a webinar pointing me to and I successfully hired my first Virtual Assistant (VA). His name was Mario and he saved me 10-15 hours of work PER WEEK. And the cost? Only $340 per month. That brought to light many new possibilities with my company and we have used OnlineJobs to recruit many positions that are still working for us today 5+ years later.”

Paul Staten


“I don't hire...anywhere else except in the Philippines.”

Scott Marlow

See his full story

“When it comes to outsourcing to the Philippines, John is one of the top authorities in the field. His knowledge, experience, and views made a huge impact on my business, free time, and the fundamental ways I look at outsourcing. Thank you, John!”

Ben Moskovich

“[Outsourcing’s] helped me maintain a full-time job for now and still get a lot of stuff done that I couldn't get done all by myself”.

Brett Lindenberg

See his full story

“Dear Mr. Jonas, My name is Milo Amundsen, and I am your biggest fan. I am 17 and have watched all your Youtube content on outsourcing and have read most of your articles. This summer, I am graduating high school and plan to pursue digital marketing agency your literature taught me to create. Your content has also changed my life in a trajectory not just surrounding business but around spirituality.”

Milo Amundsen

I love John Jonas and his program to help find Filipino VAs to work with.

David Baker

“[I'm sure you've heard this a lot of times by now but I did everything you've told me to do and guess worked! I found my Filipino worker and he is wonderful! The job gets done and I don't have to worry about it. I honestly don't know if he works the full 8 hours a day and I don't care. The results show and he has helped us write more business”.

Tony Freeman

“The book and training has all been unbelievably helpful. There is no doubt the sum of it will help me turn my second job into an actual business sooner than later. Thank you for putting all this together John”.

Clayton Marks Jr.

“Brenda hired her first three VAs with a different online company and didn't have a good experience. When she was ready to expand her team, her VAs introduced her to In Brenda's words,“It exploded from there. I fell in love with it.”

Brenda Albano

See her full story

“Thanks for the help, John. I find that everything you are saying is true. I am happy to say that I am very happy with, Steph. She's got the basic skills I was looking for and best of all she is eager to learn and not afraid to ask for works, and your support is right on target!”

Billy Wigley

“Hi John! Your service,, has allowed us to grow much more cost-effectively, and improve service to our customers, support out USA staff, and to positively impact the lives of the Filipino staff. And…working with the Filipino staff has caused me to be more grateful of the benefits and opportunities I have taken for granted living in the USA. Thank you for this.”

Keith Kirk

Eveready Express

“John, I am writing you to inform you that the best decision I ever made was to use your service and find the most talented person i have ever worked with.”

John Murphy

“I just watched your videos for recruiting a VA. We have a company in the UK and just hired our first worker from Philippines. I just wanted to say that I found your videos helpful, interesting and pleasant to watch. I have no doubt that the information you provided will make a big difference for us. So thanks a lot for this, I appreciate the alternative to Upwork and all the creativity you have put into this.”


“Hey John, I just want to say Thank you for the content you create, I read all of your emails, and I have been using for almost a year now. I love reading about the information you provide, it helps me treat my Filipino OFS even better since I understand more and more about their culture etc.. I am now referring all my other friends to stop wasting their time and get onto your website to do the hiring here... Keep up the good work. I appreciate you”

Rafal Z Widejko

“Hi John, I wanted to take a moment to share my appreciation on all the cultural and current events that you share with us. I am glad I'm able to email my OFS to wish them a nice holiday or to check in about weather.”


“... Just a word of encouragement! My VA (Full time student) is EXCEPTIONAL! She works about 7 hours per week for me. She never misses a task, is kind, and is way better at the things she does than I ever was before I hired her... My job has gotten easier, and I am accomplishing WAY more with her help. Actually, at this point, I am not sure how I would be able to run my business without someone like her. ”

Brett Pontecorvo

John, Thank you for creating and successfully running OnlineJobs.Ph. I hired a new VA a few weeks ago and she is awesome. She already took some tasks off my plate.

Michal Stawicki

Owner of Resurrecting Books

“Three cheers for for helping me out in a a jam. They're awesome.”


“I've employed a number of people from here over the years. My last was a husband and wife combo for about 3.5 yrs. Best decision I have made. Well worth it”.

Carl Vanderpal

CEO | International Free Enterprise Marketing

“I hired a VA, very happy. Waiting for results but like the service and job responses were great”.

Karina Randall

“I've used Online Jobs to hire quite a few of my now 57 Virtual Assistants to run my various companies...I have hired Virtual Assistants from all over the world. 40 of the 57 in the Philippines”.

Jeff J. Hunter

Virtual Assisting Agency in the Philippines

“I love this company and this service. I have used it for well over a year and a half now and I can honestly say that without it and people I found through it I would never have been able to grow my business from 500k to nearly 1.5M Today”.

Nick Wilson

“I love your service and it was super for what i needed it for. I was able to solidify my employee quickly”.

Brian Aiken

Neon Cloud Productions

“Thank you very much. I have been impressed with your company's customer service and although we had difficulty finding the right candidate, have recommended your site to a friend of mine”.

Michael Mersol-Barg

Asian Market Consultancy |

“I really appreciate your work and your collaboration in this brilliant business. Thank you for all the effort and hope to come soon”.

Juan Ortellano

“Just wanted to say that you guys are amazing. Looking forward to use your services again very soon”.

Olivera Mijatovic

“I am super-impressed with your responsiveness! Kudos to you guys!”

Danilo Caicedo

Smart Fleet Funding Holdings Inc.

Great course. Great platform. Full value. Thank you.

Livtar S Khalsa

SGN Research LLC

“Firstly congratulations with developing into a great business with awesome customer service”.

Bernie O'Keefe

Little Miracles Childcare Centre

“This was my first time using your website and I'm very happy with your customer service and with my hire.”

Cat Harvey

Copy Cat |

“I am extremely happy with my experience with your platform and your customer service. I plan to use you again and recommend you often”.

Alex Picazo

ZoCo Design

“Delighted with your product and service”.

Patrick Lee

Broker |

“I'll definitely recommend you guys to anyone looking for employees”.

Eric Ellis

Affiliate Marketing Expert Coach |

“We just hired our next amazing team mate. Thank you so much I really appreciate the forum and the platform you provided as the employer looking for amazing people”.

Jimmy Roberts

President | Renaissance Appraisal, Inc

“I have 3 VAs hired from your platform. They are godsend 😊”.


“Thank you very much. I will use this service again when needed. You've been fantastic!”

Ben Cussel

CEO | Meet Cory Michelle

“I will definitely use your service again when I need to hire someone else and I've been recommending you to my colleagues”.

Jill Davenport

Wellness Coach

“I was very satisfied with your website”.

Tobias Teich

Raum Design Tobias Teich

Thanks again for It's incredible and really helps my business tremendously. Much Respect!

Steve Raiken

“You have won our business and our loyalty”.

Benjamin Fell

Slate-Industries LLC

“I love OnlineJobs.PH!”

Jack Zenert


“I love my team members from online! During COVID one of my employees was able to fully support her family when the rest of them were unable to work. So thankful for this connection”.

Nicole Leonard Begley

Hair Of The Dog Pet Photography

“Love my awesome assistant. Thank you for this service and your class! I even convinced my friend to try it and she loves her specialist too!”

Ashlee Hughes

Owner | Beachside Music Lessons & Therapy and Music Business Coach

“If you’re working a 9-5 for somebody’re creating someone else’s dream. It’s not until you’re an entrepreneur that you’re developing your own dream...I love…When I’m asleep, they’re working. When I wake up, they have a day’s worth of work done”.

Drew Grimm

The Schoolhouse Life Podcast

See his full story

Your service has been GREAT for hundreds of my agents. I've been following you for almost 10 years now. Thanks so much.

Michael Mersol-Barg

“If you’re at all ever going to hire a virtual assistant, definitely [use] That’s just the go-to resource for people that are actually going to be on board, on your team, long-term.”

Matt Loberstein

See his full story

“Use A business mentor recommended it to me i’m so grateful for that recommendation and it’s the advice I’d give to any entrepreneur and I have! I’ve given the advice to several of my friends.”

Catherine Moolenschot

See her full story

“We owe a lot to our Filipino staff, and in turn to for connecting us. Thank you John Jonas and team!”

Brad Vandenberg

See his full story

“We have 2 full time employees from and they are awesome! Highly recommend this site!”

Todd N. Thompson

“I currently have 3 virtual assistants working for me and they have helped me grow my businesses immensely. The virtual assistants that I have working for me are highly qualified individuals and they have all exceeded my expectations with their work ethic and their quality of work.”


See his full story

“I hired my first VA from your site almost 2 years ago. Best worker ever! Thanks!”

Jeanette Paine Stein

“I used to find my full-time writer and I'm getting ready to hire a full time social media member to my team. This is an awesome site and highly recommend them.”

Brandon Mix

“ is hands down the best place to get Filipino workers for your business and you’re gonna get really good rates and they’re actually really hard workers and pretty trustworthy.”


See his full story

“…bringing on a full-time virtual assistant can be a massive boost in your productivity and it really truly has for my wife and I.”

Miles Beckler

See his full story

“If you’re in the boat where you know that you have a job that you could, off, that you could pass off, definitely go check out”


See his full story

“Thanks ! You have helped us grow, supported us while we cried… and more importantly, helped us laugh and smile.”

Elesha Gabriell

See her full story

“My goal [is] to even further eliminate myself from [my] business. I found another gem last week on this really fantastic site...called”


See her full story

“I wanted to say thank you for an awesome website that connects me with great independent contractors, and also for providing such excellent information. I would never have known about traditions like the 13th month, or that the culture of the Fiipino community is one of extreme shyness, or that they will address me as Ma'am and to just leave it alone, or how to properly communicate. Thanks for the tips about the W8ben form and everything else on the site that lets me know about how to properly take care of anyone I hire. It is obvious you care about taking care of your workers.”

Lisa Clifford

“When you [hire] that first VA, your world changes in so many positive ways.”

Thomas Parkinson

See his full story

“Because of you, I have a team of workers in the Philippines all because of this website. You’ve made my business better and I can’t thank you enough!”

Tara Vining

Televine Theraphy

“I have found that once you get their trust...they will go above and beyond to work some crazy hours to get projects done for you.”

Ethan Kap

See his full story

“I have a guy named Rexidol who has been working for me for 3 years... I could not live without him.”

John Cunningham

Owner | Agent, eXp Realty

“...I hired my first employee through your site and I am thrilled with the process and result so far. I already recommended hiring through to two other business owner friends.”

Artil Leo

President | Service Care Industries, Inc.

“This is Jon! I'm a business owner in Singapore, and I've been using OnlineJobs.PH to find fantastic colleagues to work with. Within the last 5 months, I've successfully recruited 6 x OFS, and ever since all of them have been GREAAAAT to work with. On top of that, I find myself having more time for my own family and friends because my colleagues (we call each other Fambam) are all dependable and responsible individuals who seek to deliver the best in their job even without my presence. Essentially, there is NOTHING for me to complain about! With that, I'm extremely grateful to have found your website, which hugely benefited my own business! A very big thank you to you and your team! ”

Jonathan Ong Wei Jie

“Hi John. Just wanted to say how grateful I am for you. Creating has helped me speed up building my business. I have hired 2 VA's and they are fantastic. They do things that would've taken me years to learn. I appreciate them so much as I do you for creating such a wonderful platform. Thank you.”

Kyle Macca

“John, It was SO easy! The only holdup would be if someone hadn't taken your training or read the book (I've done both). I'm VERY CONFIDENT that I can do this well, thanks to your training”.

Beth Bridges

“I’ve known about VAs for so long, but never knew how to do it right, how to build a team, how to have a happy team and how to create that. That was the difference when I found”

Vincent Aguirre

See his full story

“Love your product as it has changed my life for sure. My OFS is a complete rockstar and wildly exceeded my expectations”.

Brent Kiger

President | Sament Properties LLC

“I recently took your One VA Away course, and I used to hire. It's going really well so far! I'm up to five VA's who are crushing their work and seem really happy in their roles. I think that can largely be attributed to 1.) generally following your instructions/advice surrounding the hiring process, and 2.) trying to go out of my way to make this a good and valuable experience for my employees (which is one of the many things you preached that I took to heart).”

Grant McCarty

Founder | PrepHQ

“Thank you John for this experience. I have just employed my first VA and I will make it work. Cheers!”

Oluwaseun Akintayo Akinlade

Hi John, I hired Juvy two weeks ago and like you said in your video, if you trust them first they will give you their best…

Karina M Urquhart

“Actually we've hired all of our remotes from I think we've hired more than 20 now. We were going in circles trying to find developers intil we started using OJ”.

Jody Jon Steeg

Tech and Marketing Consultant |

“I hired a VA and landed a gem from this site. He''s very trutworthy and an awesome person in general! I don't believe all the horror stories just give a little responsibility at a time and keep a watchful eye on things and you should be okay”.

Dominic Sarria-Wiley

Marketing With Dominic

“Hi everyone. Over the past 6 months I've been working with a fantastic V.A. She'e gone over and beyond to help me with Admin tasks, market research, data entry, plan for my holidays and much more”.

Nigel Furtado

Emira Consulting

“I had a great experience and I'm happy with the VA I met and hired. Thanks again!”

Dan Walters

Realtor |

“I love your guys' honesty and ethics. This is the 3rd time I've used your services and will continue to do so while telling my friends and business contacts as well”.

Danny Padgug

Padgug Enterprises LLC

“Thanks a lot for your support. I like OnlineJobs.Ph a lot and value your great service.”

Jan Jursa

UX Designer, Author | UX Storytellers

“I have a fantastic VA at the moment thanks to your platform”.

Reece Lyons

Announcefly SaaS

“You are awesome at customer service.”

John Bankowski Sr.

Real Estate Appraiser | Cox Beall & Associates

“I have a business changing VA from you guys and will forever be in debt for that. I have every intention of being back again as my business grows more and more. And definitely refer you to others who maybe interested. Thanks again”.

Steven Bamber

Upbeet Living Ltd.

“I love your work. I do not intend to cancel my subscription - Never.”

Alan Smith

“Dear Onlinejobs.Ph, thank you very much for helping me hire a staffer who seems really good so far. The process was smooth and easy and I am delighted with the result”.

Christina Brown

Yoga, Pilates, Barre Studio |

“I've already been telling folks about you all because you really did make this so easy for me to hire my assistant. Thank you!”

Jennifer Carroll

Celebrating Everyday Life - Crafts and Printables

“I would like to let you know that I have really appreciated the connections made with VA in the Philippines through The people that we employed (4 architects) were all extremely dedicated, honest, and loyal”.

Stephen Fayle

Architect | Woodhouse & Danks

“I just hired my first VA and my only regret is that i didn't do it sooner”.

Cassie Price

Founder and Firestarter | Business Credit Lab

“One year ago I signed up with and in less than 24 hours I found the one OFS I was needing, her name is Joana. During the past 12 months I have hired her sister and one of Joana's friends. Because of their expert help, my little eBay business has experienced meteoric growth. But the most rewarding part of this experience is to see how Joana's courage and persistence has not only changed her life, but the lives of many

“ return for providing a stable work environment, my OFS team provides me unwavering loyalty, high quality output, and breathtaking throughput. I have to remind them that they do not need to work so hard...this is a low stress job. But they tell me they work hard because they love their jobs. Every night working with them is emotional for me. I love my team”.

Steve Wise

“Can't say enough about your process to hire Filipinos. It has been invaluable. Followed your advice and I think she feels valued by me and a real part of our team. I love my OFS!”

Jon Nicol

“I am indeed impressed with OnlineJobs.Ph. Keep up the good work! I will be back to hire”.

Wendi Yang

“Thanks! I am so happy with the person I got through you to help me. He's amazing!”

Michele Coxhead

“You have an amazing service. I have found several very qualified candidates”.

Chris Gehr

FD Consulting

“This has been a great experience. A great company to work with. I tried a few and no other turned out as many candidates and final hires. You have a great company!”

Anne-Sophie Sayman

Founder | getNewToothbrush

“Been employing Filipino devs for the last 6 years, way, way better than U.K. devs, they work harder, amazing people and an amazing culture. They’re just awesome people. My head dev used his excess money to put both his cousins through college. Do what this guy tells he’s bang on the money!”

Steve Warden

“I am a believer in you, John Jonas and in onlinejobs ph. I'm up to three VAs now.I paid for your training and it was totally worth it. In fact, with my first hire, I did everything that you said to do and my web designer is on point. With my second hire, I decided I was gonna take a short cut, because I really liked what this guy was saying. So I did exactly what you said not to do. And long story short, I wound up having to fire this guy and start over. He wound costing me money, time, and he got me so behind with my clients. Just like what you said it would happen.

So, I followed you steps for my third hire, and I got a rockstar content creator. With the cost of living so low in the Philippines, I love how I'm able to significantly bless 2 familes over there (the fourth VA I hired is married to my second one) while they are able to bless me and my family. You've given us a unique special opportunity to achieve financial freedom in two whole separate countries! Kudos and keep doing what you're doing. You've got us all out here WINNING! God bless you and everything you're doing”.

Tonya Caballero

Co Founder | Q&T Digital Marketing Agency

“John, I wanted to thank you for catapulting the Filipino Professional VA community to the international stage. I have been your customer for over 2 years now. I hire all my VAs and for my clients using OnlineJobs PH. Thanks again, John. God bless you more”.

Christopher Yap

CEO | Gabtech Global LLC

"John taught me the ropes and I've been outsourcing to the Philippines successfully for 6 years now."

Nate Woodbury

“I plan on continuing to build my business with the help of my Filipino team. I source good employees through my hiring process...and will continue to refine how I do business in the Philippines.”

Jesse L. Razo

See his full story

“Anything you can do, they can do! is a great value for your money.”

Matt Hollie

See his full story

“So far my VA has shown a talent for book spinning, writing, and brilliant cover design. I originally hired her for her researching abilities and in that too she excels. In addition to all of this though, she has a degree in marketing and I have also consulted and strategized with this too.”

Ross Lumbus

See his full story

“Touching video. Im a long ago customer of John and his replace myself course since back in 2009,and Ive been using Filipinos ever since. Thanks for mailing me the candy and photo of your family. It was a nice touch”

Beats Planet

“I hired CoachBem Mejares Tumang throuh this and HE IS A KILLER EMPLOYEE! Absolutely hardworking, gets the job done on time and has even made suggestions to my work that has caused me to increase sales. THANKS BENJAMIN! And thanks!”

Shawn Quintero

“The quality and consistency I receive from my employees makes me very happy with my decision to use and I will use the service again as we continue to grow! This was the best decision I could have made for my business and my personal life.”

Warren Workman

See his full story

“I now use 4 staff from It’s revolutionised my small company - feel free to ask me questions!”

Rosco Faulkes

“After the first interview I knew I found our dream employee and set-up a second interview! Her goals were right in alignment with our company and we hired her immediately.”

Brielle Slate

See her full story

“In order for you to get closer to your goal of freedom, you have to let go and delegate. You cannot be doing every little step inside of your business.”

Ryan Smith

See his full story

“Use to find Filipino Virtual assistants who know how to use Oberlo, Dropified, Shopify and Aliexpress. They can handle your customer support or fulfillment or even product research so you don't have to worry about it.”

Beast of Ecom

See his full story

The site was great because it offered all kinds of educational information on how to understand cultural differences and get the right person.

Ryan D. James

“I’ve got several VAs that work with me and if it wasn’t for them, I wouldn’t be able to run my businesses or scale them. So I very much appreciate the work that they do.”

Sarah Crisp

See her full story

“I’m now doing three times as much at a tenth of the time.”


See his full story

“The strength of your system depends on the strength of your hire.”

Amy Walker

See her full story

And what I love is they're always willing to learn... they're always saying, "I want to learn, I want to grow, I want to help you help you build your business, and I'm willing to take time to learn new things" . Inside the website there's tons of training, they talk to you about how to post your job, what to expect, how to communicate, they really go into detail about all the things that the site offers...

Kirsten Graham & Jeanne Wilson

Six Figure Business Coaching

See their full story

“John, I just want to say keep doing what you are doing. When life get tuff and i feel like a POS for not doing enough with my biz. I log onto your site and it gives me hope for today and for the future. You are going to get good Karma. Something good is going to happen to you today. So what i really want to say in less words is: Thank You”

William Ripley

“...we’ve hired two analysts with your platform’s assistance and will be hiring more in time. One has been with us about 1.5 years and the other is just reaching his 6-month point. Both are moving from being average accounting analysts to superb forensic financial engineers”.

Steve Wofford

“Hi John, I’ve grown my team to 3 Full time OFS and it’s changed my business completely. The work ethic and reliability with little to no office politics mean we focus on delivering the best outcomes to our clients. It took a lot of time and effort to train / mentor my team, and worthy every minute of it.”

Gia Le

“I’m truly blessed to have come across 100% It completely transformed my business, my life and my mindset...John Jonas, Thank you so much!”

Brian Onesto

See his full story

“Hello John, I have the most wonderful OFS working for me. I hired her through We have been working together since October and I have not regretted it at all.”

Suzanne Kofoed

“Hi John, We used your site about 2 months ago and hired an absolutely fabulous VA to process our E-Commerce orders. I cannot say enough good things about her!”

Howard Young

Air Marketing Group LLC

“Thanks to your One VA Away course I was able to hire 2 amazing employees on, so, thanks!”

Nicolas Jeanne

“I thought how great could it be if I could find someone to do all of my podcast stuff--editing, design, the banners...everything for each episode. So I went on to it was so easy!”

John Abbas

See his full story

“Just hired an amazing assistant through OnlineJobs. Today is her second day. Your course was very helpful. I did not even finish all of the steps - just the first 4 days gave me some very helpful tips that I used when hiring.”

Holly Haggerty

Chief Relationship Officer,

Haggerty & Haggerty Digital Services

“I hired an amazing virtual assistant / web designer through this service and she works for me for about 25 hrs per week. Fantastic and professional employees with English better than people I've hired in Canada.”

Adina Zaiontz

Napkin Marketing

“I've used this site to find several good VAs in the past”.

Mark C. Moran

...They are all fantastic and I look forward to many many more years with them.

Mitchell Slater

“Love it! I actually found my VA through”.

Nicole Holland

The Nicole Holland Show

“I have used a Filipino Graphic Designer for 7 years. he is truly a rockstar and couldn't do what I do without him. I am ready to hire a full time VA and will definitely look only to the Philippines. Thank you for this great website”.

Nina Hershberger

MegaBucksmarketing, Inc.

“Love it! I like it for the Filipino workers...I used to use but I like for the quality and affordability of the workers much better. I've had excellent results!”

Carole Gardner

Coastal Vacations

“I've used your system 3x with success. The key is to know what you want”.

Michael Mushlin

Business Coach | PerfectFunnelSystem.Com

“I'm happy to say I've found a terrific VA. She has exceeded my expectations.”

Kerry Davies

Realtor |

“I found an amazing assistant on this platform and I recomment it to all my friends in the business”.

Alicia Couri

Alicia Couri Inc. |

“Thank you very much for your very valuable service. I'm happy to have an excellent Filipino Web Developer. I am planning to hire more folks in the same and other areas. Keep up the good work.”

Walter Coronel

“Wow! fantastic Customer Service!”

John Roulac

Nutiva |

“We found an employee so thank you. This is our second time using your site. Excellent job!”

Yoni Ramras


“I've got a really good team from If I ever need more, I'll be in touch.”

Rina Jean Bindi

RJ’s AMAZING Entertainment

I have used it over and over through the years, and I have hired quite a few VA’s for many different jobs.

Bob Sharpe

“I hired my OFS 6 weeks ago, and it was indeed life-changing! Not so much from the monetary standpoint but from the feeling that I'm working on and not in my business”.

Stefan Girndt

“Someday I will have to tell you the story of one of my employees in the Philippines. She started working at a peso net, unbeknownst to me, and now has a nice computer with dual monitors, a desk, provides for her siblings school expenses, and her own personal expenses. She has good dental and medical. I love the Filipino workers that work for me”.

Michael Peterson

Trident Furniture Group Inc.

“Your site is amazingly helpful!”

Michael Hood

Owner | Hood Idea (Photography)

“The service of your company is amazing!”

Yi Ping Lai

CEO, Founder |

“I purchased One VA Away back in March and didn’t watch it until about 2 weeks ago when I was just drowning balancing life and trying to grow a few businesses.

So I finally watched the videos, posted a job and had 286 applications. I was completely overwhelmed. But I kept watching your videos and used your guidance to go through each one. Eliminating first based on budget, then just started asking questions to see which ones would write back in a timely manner.

Then, there was one that just stood out. Not because of her experience, but because of how she communicated via email, how responsive she was and more importantly how she used bullet points and answered EVERY question! I hired her and we have been working together for only 3 business days so far, but she is absolutely a perfect fit! I am so thankful for you, your process and to have given me the structure and platform to find the most amazing person to add to my team!

So kudos to you for a job well done. Your experience shows and thank you for sharing it!”

Sara Sutherland

“I had a wonderful experience with Onlinejobs l Ph and I will continue using the job board for future employees”

Noelle King

National Staffing by Noelle and Associates

“I love OnlineJobs.Ph. I found the best VA and she is perfect!”

Kelley Wasson

Kelley Wasson & Co.

“Excellent service! I found my EA now”.

Jed Christie

Director at Weavabel

“Because of your site, I have found my amazing virtual assistant Shera”.

Michael Dijak

Stonegate Crematorium

It's a platform, that puts you in contact with real people with coachable skills who are eager to do a great job.

Demari Miller

“You've been a big part of my success for the last 5 years. You, your book, this site, have been a big part of that journey. Thanks a ton”.

Steven Alvey

Founder | Polonius Marketing Solutions

“FACTS JOHN! AND YOU ADD A LOT OF VALUE! God bless you! Thanks so much for all I have learned through your emails & books, PDF's on how to hire a team!! Thanks so much for all your support and making me a better leader!!!”

Liberty V. Justice

CEO | I'm Worth It Inc.

“Hey John, I've found contractors on Onlinejobs Ph and learned about outsourcing to the Philippines through you. Thank you!”

Chantelle Voss

Co-Founder/CEO |

“Just hired my second VA today. Love this service!”

Richard Bartell

“Hi John, Just to let you know that I have my first full time VA hire and it is life changing. I'm still learning the finer points of working together but they are transforming my ability to get things done. Thank you for setting up and congratulations to your daughter on her first win!!!”

Thomas Rolley

“I’ve hired 4 absolutely wonderful bookkeepers through your website. I truly want to thank you for your website, your service and most importantly all the emails you write so often that train me to better hire, manage and run a remote Filippino team!!”

Michael Casale

“I love our General Ecommerce OFS who we hired from your site. She’s made my life infinitely better! ...I also have a copywriter I hired from He’s really good. To be honest I never thought I could find someone in the Philippines with strong enough English to not only write in English properly but be creative in describing our products. Thanks for what you do. It’s made a huge difference in our business. We’ll definitely be hiring more people from in the near future as we continue to expand.”

Jerry Watterson III

Vice President | Sunn Battery Co.

“I cannot tell you how much I appreciate these emails you send out John. Since I have been reading them, I have developed such great relationships with 2 my VA's and soon to hire a third. So grateful that you created this!”

Melody Johnson

“Back for the third time! Love the VA's I've found from your site and I tell everyone to come to”

Lauren Litt

“Thanks for sharing a lot of valuable info, advice & experience on your site, Youtube and emails. I hired my first VA and we will begin work tomorrow. My gut tells me that outsourcing this way is gonna work well for me.”

Calvin Tan

"So is actually my secret weapon. I've been using them for years to get people in the Philippines. My VA's, my workers, they are amazing!"

Guy Tate

“I love reading your emails! Thank you for creating OnlineJobs.Ph I have a great experience with the training and the VAs.”

Amanda Vang

Real Estate Expert

“I wanted to let you know that I just hired my first VA from your site (which someone in my mastermind told me about) using the method you outlined in your "One-VA Away" challenge. I appreciate the class so much -- it put me in the right headspace to do a lot of clever things to both sell my job and start a positive relationship with a future employee from the get-go. I'm so excited about Ana (perfect score on her online IQ test, amazing English, Magna cum Laude at her law school). She starts in 2 weeks, and I find I wake up with new tasks to add to the list of things to train her on. I can't wait!”

Sara Brumfield

Partner, Brumfield Labs

“I can't believe that I can actually afford to hire a full time person, and she does so much more than I am even capable of doing. Projects I've wanted to do for years, but just couldn't take on, I'm implementing now. Several at once, in fact, and she's just an implementation machine! And most of this she's never done before!”

Julie Williams

“I'm kinda all-in to your programs: A student of your OneVAAway, Premium subscriber to OnlineJobs, refer people to your sites all the time. I've hired three Filipino workers. Love them. Now I must replace one because her family needs her to run their business. She wrote me the nicest resignation letter I've ever seen and promises to continue to work with me for the next month AND help transition the new person once I hire. So I'll be recruiting again starting in the next couple of days.”

Danny Stusser

Publisher and Executive Director

“Hi John I hired a girl from after purchasing your short video course. Your email newsletters have been very helpful too. Today I sent the 13th month payment to my worker and you were so right about how important it is to them! ...Thanks again for all the legitimately helpful info you provide. I've recommended your site & newsletter to several people also.”

Marty McLeod

“Your site and videos have changed my working life, I think it's a trend more and more people will follow.”

Christopher Schutrups

“Hi John, We are a US domestic ground freight broker and use Filipino VAs for back office accounting, daily tracking updates and a team that sources trucks for us. A total of 4 Filipino workers now! When we first started with we were looking for one person. Everyone we talked to wanted to do Amazon or Shopify type work. We've spent lots of time training and teaching our business but it's been worth every second. Now they know how we want it done and come with no preconceived notions.”

Vin Carrano

“I love it as I add tasks to Trello during the day and I wake up the next morning and the work is done. It makes me look like a superstar that I can turn work around quickly. And he's happy he can work when it suits him.”

Corrina Steele

“Hey John! I'm a HUGE RAVING fan of So much so that I ended up hiring 53 Philippino's for my appraisal company! Thanks again for creating an awesome platform to do business overseas. It truly is the reason my company exploded.”

Ken Lavertu

“LEGIT!. My OFS is fabulous. ;) Yesterday, in fact, I was like "how am I going to get all this done..." I shot her a quick note to ask for help. She said yes! I woke up this morning and it's done. ;) WOOT.”

Brenda Armstrong

Owner, Founder ITEOM, LLC

"My new VA is perfect fit for the position. She is grateful to have found us through Onlinejobs."

Laurie Stevens

“Hey John, just a brief message to say that your manual on how to hire a OFS is worth its weight in gold, and I have found an AMAZING OFS on my first try and couldn't be happier. In fact i will soon be coming for seconds and third... and so on. I finally can say that I KNOW how to scale up my business. Anyone who asks me about a VA, I send to your website. Simply brilliant! So thank you and keep up the good/exceptional work!”

Luca Majero

Kilmarnon Consulting Ltd.

“Hi John, Just wanted to let you know that I now have 1 full time and 2 part time workers! My life is much more organized and much more being achieved. I want to add a fourth person part time to take over another part of my business.”

Sheila Anderson

“Your service is awesome by the way. This whole process has been honestly eye-opening in general, in a good way. As a small business owner/currently self-employed entrepreneur; I had assumed my first available position would appeal to basically no one.”

Samuel Sapp

Owner, Lockbaud

“John & Team, I appreciate the regular emails you send - both the practical and the cultural. I love my OFS employees (all 5 of them!) and learning more about their culture is just as valuable to me as your advice on how to find/keep/treat them. Thank you for all you do!”

Josh Walton

President, Websites For Anything

“I have recently hired my first VA using your oneVAaway challenge and so far it's going great. I plan on expanding soon and hiring an additional VA and really liked your idea of putting a QA person in charge.”

“Thanks to your One VA away challenge, I was able to hire a rockstar OFS last year who’s been doing great.”

Tatiana Arolli

Manager, Elm Enterprise LLC

“We have 10 people on our team in the Philippines now. OnlineJobs has provided a great service to enable the hiring and help build success. Your service has done much to enable my company to grow and keep growing. Thank you!”

Mike Wessman

“...I love that I feel like my business has an even stronger reason for being now. I have a family in the Philippines it is supporting. I love that feeling of purpose. I appreciate your help so much. Without your services I would never have found her in a million years.”

Lisa Van Gemert

“Hi John, I wanted to message you and thank you for your OnlineJobs platform. We have been building a team and really appreciate your input and stories surrounding your experiences.”


“Looking forward to seeing the training! I've been using for a couple of years now, to say the least, it's transformed my business! Not only have I hired quality people off the platform in technical finance roles, we now have 6 full time employees. I invested in the hiring processes offered by and couldn't be happier! Thank you John and the amazing team in PH!”

Murray Mayes

“First of all, I love what you’re doing. Me and a few of my buddies have all bought your course. Love your book and podcast. It’s definitely made a big impact in my life and business having a full time editor in the Philippines. My wife loves the time it’s given me back!!!”

Austin Falter

“I have two VAs and absolutely adore them! This article is so spot on! My VAs have flourished so much this past year and my company has grown so much because I have them to do the backend items! Thank you for the service you provide to businesses and to the people of the Philippines! I’m feel truly blessed!”


CEO, A To Z Building Blocks

“I’ve upgraded and hired a VA, very excited about it. The resources on your site are really excellent and have been very helpful during the hiring process as well as helping me determine a fair rate+benefits. Thanks you for providing this and I hope my VA and I will make a successful longterm team.”

Lotte Eschbach

“We just made our first hire from your website for a social media manager. I followed your hiring template and we think we have a really great person for the job. Thanks for the advice. I don't think we would have gotten such a great person if we weren't patient and took the time to follow your steps.”

Bob Harpole

“I love this platform. I used to be a freelancer here, but when I migrated to the US, this is my go to platform for all my admin needs!”

Jayson M. Aquino

“...I use software developers to help create screens / interfaces, configure the back end of the system, work on the Database, and just generally do anything needed to keep the system running and make it better. We also do some consulting and project work, and my people are so talented that I feel perfectly comfortable billing their time out. For these projects, they can bill out their monthly salary in a day or two. Hiring these developers has been the single largest driving factor allowing me to significantly grow my business and revenue over the last 18 months.”

Robert Warren

“I have had a virtual assistant from since last October. She’s been fantastic! Her work is excellent and on time.”

Cindy Dykman

“Thanks to your platform I have been able to build a business where I hire Filipino employees and sub-contract the to insurance agents in the united states. I started last September and thought I would end up with 8 ¡V 10 by the end of my first year. I am sitting at 9 months and now have 26 Filipinos working for me with one managing all of my OFS employees...”

Beaux Pilgrim

“Hi John, We’ve been using online jobs now for the past few years... Thanks for the service, and your time it’s truly made a difference to our small business.”

Tim Smith


“Hi John, I appreciate the many ideas you share in these bulletins. My VA has been with me two months and we still meet on many afternoons via Zoom. These have been helpful since we do a lot of screen shares for training, sharing ideas, etc. We also have a full team meeting each Monday late afternoon. These excite my VA. She loves being part of a multinational team and has commented on this. I cannot imagine our team without our VA and I let her know it. She quicly became our data go-to person. She's everything we hoped for and much more!”

David Bruce

“I am looking to hire my second Filipino after having such success on my first I hired from your website. Thanks John!”


“I found an awesome team member who is still with me after almost 9 months. She has been an incredible blessing to me. Looking to grow again. Thank!”

Keagan Henson

Hite Digital Oklahoma City

“I have to say I am absolutely thrilled with my OFS. THANK YOU for your service:) I got the right fit on the very first try.”

Andrea Rickard

Executive Director, EO New Jersey

“ has been a great way for us to get to know how to hire since they have many qualified applicants and the entire process is so well managed. John Jonas is engaging yet seems very approachable... We are hiring more Filipino Professionals soon”

Richard Ramirez

CEO / Chief Engineer, Ramirez Engineering

“John... We found what appears to be a great VA. She wants to work US time zone, but I have told her to stay on her time zone. Going pretty well so far; using lots of loom videos. She is more capable than I give her credit for. Thank you!”

Blake Egan

Podium LLC

“Hey John, Hope all is well and you and the OLJPH Team are wonderful. We are enjoying using the site and your emails are insightful. I can’t/don’t read them all, but when I do they are good copy. We have hired 5 VA’s – 3 have worked out well and 2 so far have not been great (we had another also lined up but she cancelled the start the night before the start). We are recutiing 1 more at the moment...”

Tom Sanderson

“You guys are awesome! Only recommendation would be to make it easier for business owners to find all of the different programs you have (trainings, etc.) that are spread across different domain names. Loving your program!”

“John, You have a wonderful platform. I was able to hire 4 great people from this site over the course of 2 years. I keep coming back here. I also recommend your site to everyone both Virtual Assistants and business owners. Cheers!”


“Hi guys, Just wanted to say I'm thrilled with my experience on your platform. John...You provide a wonderful service here! Thank you so much!”

Lisa Page

“Just wanted to say I so appreciate your emails. They make me think of things I wouldn’t ever consider. We love our Filipino team members, they’re just as integral to our team as our us-based staff. Just wanted to express my thanks.”

Katie Provinziano

Managing Director,

“I am so happy that I met you and your site. It has changed the way I do business. I was already so overworked and overwhelmed that I wasn't sure if I could find enough time to train them. I signed up for your most expensive 6 month deal. I wanted someone to discuss my options with to save time. The discussions were very helpful. One woman I had interviewed the first time, seemed perfect except for the fact that she was working for someone else part time. I wanted someone dedicated to me only. She also told me that under no circumstances would she quit her other job. After continuing to interview it became apparent that she was the one I wanted to hire. She turned out to be amazing. It's going on a year, she is still with me and did recently quit the other job. Thanks!”

Rob Hoerntlein

“Hey John, I hired my first VA yesterday! She is super smart and has relevant experience. I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks for the encouragement, I've always been a solopreneur due to trust issues...but you convinced me Phillipinos are good people.”

Matthew M

“Hello John and team, Thank you for the emails of useful information. I also love my OFS and would be lost without her. It's the best thing I ever did. Thank you for providing such a wonderful service, helping Filipinos and employers.”

Lisa Corey

“Your site has changed my world – thank you! In 2021 we went via an outsourcing agent – who charged us three times what we are paying now, made us supply equipment and told us we were being too fussy when reviewing resumes! Thanks to you we have two very happy accountants working for us since July 2022 and have three more team members coming on board this month. I have adopted a lot of your suggestions – they have been so helpful in helping us understand the culture so much more! Thank you!”

Karen McDonald

“Hi John! First, love your podcast and blogs! I am at the point where I now have about 22 OFA’s.”

Erik Mickelson

“I love your emails and am extremely grateful for what you've created with OnlineJobs. I hired a wonderful person a little over a year ago through your site and has helped me tremendously; I don't know how I would have continued to do all the things I needed to do without her.”

Takacs Real Estate

“Hi John, I know for years now. Its amazing how the site has improved over time. Great Job. Wish you all the best and enjoy working with you.”


“I just wanted to send a quick email to you to say thank for creating OnlineJobs.PH. A little over a year ago I hired my first OFS to help me with music transcription. I write piano music and was looking for a way to save time putting music notation from my iPad into the computer. We then started hiring for other jobs and now have 9 team members doing various roles ranging from making phone calls, managing our online chats for multiple businesses, taking care of a few clients, tracking our ads in Facebook and even editing, transcribing and posting 3 podcasts a week for us. It’s been a game changer. They’ve become critical pieces of our team and that wouldn’t have happened without your team building your platform. Thank you!”

Jason Tonioli

Entrepreneur, Musician, Composer | Tonioli Music

“I got a VA through your platform about 6 months ago, which completely changed my life. I own and run multiple companies and was burnt out until I got a VA. My VA is the best thing I have ever done, and I am living an incredible life now. She has taken so much off my plate that it's hard to imagine how I was operating before that.”

Cody Russell

“I find the informational emails sent out are great sources of information about the Philippines and the Pilipino people. Especially regarding the 13th pay month, holidays and what is expected. This site and the service is nothing short of amazing.”

Jayne F. Romero

“When I first started this, I canceled my subscription a month or so after I onboarded my VA. Now I'm pretty sure I just let it run. I honestly feel like a huge part of this has brought me out of solopreneur into small business owner.”

Sam Sapp

“Mr. Jonas, I just wanted to let you know that I have hired an individual from your site as a software programmer. He is much more expensive than most of the others however, he seems to be a very honest, good Christian family man. He's doing a very good job thus far in the three weeks I've had him on board.”

Carl N. Jensen

“Just a quick note. Your site has changed my life plans. Since I found it this past August, I have hired two developers, three cold callers, and two VA's. I am using them in one business, and considering how I can use OFS' as a means to start another business I have always dreamed of starting.”

Peter Vanderpool

“I've read most of the emails you've sent since I first used in January 2021. One of the VAs I hired is still with me. I've come to rely on her, and I continue to be surprised by how little she asks for. I've had to encourage her to ask for raises, and I brought up the idea of benefits multiple times before she finally agreed.”

Austin L. Church

“John, Wanted to express appreciation for you and the value you continue to provide with your newsletter. I am going on 2 years with two OFS's I hired using your website. Your blogs and emails help me manage them well.”

Kimberly Ko

“I am one that has kicked the can down the road far too long, but finally hired an OFS a few months ago and it has been awesome. She is incredible and she is one of these stories. She took a job in Russia right after her son was born and spent 8 years there. She just recently got back to the Philippines and her family. She was thrilled when I gave her the holidays off to have the holiday with her family for the first time in 9 years.”

Jerry Sheets

“A few weeks ago I hired another OFS (in addition to the one that helps me run my current business) to help me start a new business...Even though it's been tough getting to this point, there is NO WAY we would be at this point without our new OFS. She's amazing!”

Kyle McKenna

Owner, Kyle McKenna Piano Studio

“BOOM! So here we go. We’ve now hired our 6th OFS from 3 are with us (longest being 10 months, shortest being 2 weeks) and 3 have gone (learning opportunities). Loving your website and I think our annual subscription will be due pretty soon – needless to say we’ll be renewing for another 12 months at the top level you have!!!”

Tom Sanderson


“I love what you guys do and my remote employees in PH have changed everything for me.”

Blake Helppie

“John, Thank you so much for all your guidance through the One VA Away challenge, it was incredibly helpful! I've really enjoyed the entire process as it's been a lot easier than I expected. I'm excited to have my first full-time team member starting on Monday as he seems like the perfect fit to support my business.”

Ray Liberatore

Founder, Fresh Green Freedom SEO

“I can't believe how helpful your emails are to my success employing a Filipino VA. I love my VA and your system worked perfectly in the hiring process. I follow all of your steps and we have a fantastic working relationship two months in.”

Mollie Bartelt

Pixologie, Inc.

“It's been 18 months since I hired Zhenddie Cinco and she has become an extremely valuable member of my team. I couldn't do what I do without her! Training her was a challenge when I had to teach her a job I don't know how to do--but she went online and taught herself! I'll likely be back later this year, anticipating needing a subordinate for her. And my son, who owns a travel agency, may need to hire two employees for sales and customer service this year, as well.”

Julie Williams

Owner, Voice-Overs.Com

“...they are so efficient! Everything I would ask them to do they’d do in a fraction of the time I’d think they’d take…”

Isabel Otero

“My VA is a rockstar in the making. I am blown away at how smart she is. I goofed on part of a project I gave her, but she figured it out and turned the work in before the deadline. Later I happened to see I made a few mistakes and asked her why she didn't tell me. She just giggled and said it was an easy fix and she didn't want to bother me. She just did it.”

Julia Hardy

“I enjoy your platform more than I had originally thought I would, and after a LOT of interviews, we did hire two people part-time. Is it possible to convert my monthly payment to an annual payment and use the month paid towards an annual charge? Thank you for guidance on this and for sending me over to someone on your side who would handle that (if possible). Thank you again -- you've done a great job here, and while Upwork has its place, I am seeing the longer term value for developing long-term relationships with prospect employees.”

Sean Griffin

“I cannot tell how grateful I am with the Philipino virtual assistants I have. They have been helping me on every side of my life ( when it was possible because I am living in France). I even though of moving to the Philippines myself.”

Nancy Hexa International

“We've hired 5 people from in the last few months. I'm also a member of the Church, and I had no idea that it was founded by someone who shared my faith. I echo the sentiment that I think we are really helping families and providing life-changing opportunities. We love our remote employees!”

(Referring to this video)

Chelsea Carroll

“Hi John, To be able to provide employment for people all while making sure they reach their own family goals is one of the many blessings I've received from OnlineJobs.PH. I thank you and your team.”

(Referring to this video)

Jonathan Ong Wei Jie

“So I have wanted to hire someone for a while, but couldn’t find employees that wanted to work, and without paying them a fortune. So after a recommendation from a friend, I decided to create a job post on for a remote bookkeeper position. To put it lightly, I was amazed by the almost immediate response, and then I was briefly overwhelmed by the response. Within 3 days, I had 45 applicants! As I began to review the applications, I decided to work the process a little. First, I replied to the applicants with a simple request to tell me a little more about themselves and their qualifications.

I really wanted to see how their English was, as well as judge their response times (as this was one of my concerns with hiring remote workers). I was surprised again by the overwhelming response so I then asked each person that replied to take a personality profile test (yes, I know you do a DISC assessment, and I have a lot of experience with administering these assessments). Again, I was amazed by the responses. I finally asked each one to setup and zoom interview with me, first by answering a simple set of interview questions via a Google form, and then using my scheduling software. I ended up conducting over 30 interviews (I had to cut it off somewhere), and all but 1 was very qualified. In the end, I ended up hiring two new remote specialists! I was only looking for 1 for part-time (10 hours a week) and now I have 2 amazing hires! I plan on hiring a 3rd person from my interviews in January next year. Now after 4 weeks, I couldn’t be happier. On a different note, I have one daughter on a mission now in Missouri, and a son leaving in two weeks for Mexico. It’s fun watching your videos of your son.”

Bruce Hacking

“2nd time to the service and the easy cancel/renew policy! Thank you!”


“Just a HUGE thank you for creating; it's time for me to hire my 3rd employee!!!! Beyond blessed that I am able to provide a job to someone who doesn't have to move away from their family for work in order to support them financially.”

Jenn Davis

“I just wanted to let you know that I do appreciate all of these newsletters with excellent information. I have been using your service for the past six years and here I am still in bed and my staff have been working furiously for the past 3 hours...My Filipino workforce is the primary reason I have been able to stay profitable for the past six years!”

Kathleen Chiras


“Just wanted to let you know that it is because of your model that I have been using for years to find new employees instead of using Upwork or Fiverr. Finding full-time loyal employees I can talk to and deal with directly instead of being locked into a platform has helped me grow my business in a way I did not imagine would have been possible with Upwork or Fiverr. So thanks”

Mikael Møller

“I provide my Philippines staff, who I regard as my frontline employees, a very solid health plan through AXA after a 90 day probationary period. The plan has an annual benefit limit (per sickness) of 500k pesos and includes dental - far superior to the 150k to 250k limits offered by most PH call centers. I carefully hire my team members, which is why I likely have the longest duration subscription with you! I have committed considerable time and effort to train my team - their skills are unrivaled by anyone I could hire in the U.S. With their superior pay and health benefits, I have been able to dramatically improve their lives, reduce sick days, while at the same time improve the effectiveness and profitability of my commercial insurance agency. It’s a win win all around!”

David Wickes

Principal Broker, Pacific Vista Insurance Services

“It was very helpful and I have started two new virtual assistants today.”

Sarah Diener

Co Founder | COO, Always Best Care

“Hi John, Thanks to you and your site I have a wonderful full-time VA.”

Monique B

“We started hiring our team about 8 months ago, and we're up to 12 full timers. It's been mostly positive, but what we've quickly learned is that if someone is going to fail, they are failing in the first two weeks. We've only had a couple of "bad incidents" and they start with giving an excuse to miss work, their WiFi was out (and we get that it happens, but you see a flurry of work when it's restored from dependable workers), miss a team meeting, etc. Usually a combo of those have happened with the folks so we recognized the pattern more quickly. We developed a strong team, and we see getting to about 20 as the goal. Take care, and I appreciate your insights.”

Paul Cannella

Founder | President, The Original Poop Bags

“I have had an admin with me for over 2 years. When she started working with us, she was a single. Now she is married and just had a baby a month ago. Her family has become our family.”

Darin Persinger

“Just wanted to let you know that I’ve been following your system. I interviewed about 30 candidates and found a gem. I started her “full-time” at $350/mo. For the first 3 months to train. I met with her every day for about 15/20min to follow up on her work. After 3 months, increased her salary to $550/mo. She’s working about 30 hrs per week and gets everything I need from her done. We only meet once or twice/week now. She’s so good and reliable. She’s happy, loves what she’s doing and we are both super happy. Thank you for your awesome system.”

Heather Blaise

“FWIW, we made sure that the people we hired (three so far), had the needed English skills before we hired them. We understood that writing (and actually speaking) good English was needed so we screened our applicants with that filter. So far, so good. We needed to train them in syntax and messaging, but they picked that up very quickly.”

Bob Harpole

“You've done a great job at nurturing me through your email sequences. I feel comfortable using for my outsourcing needs. The only reason I didn't sign up sooner was because I didn't need help at that time.”

Lise Lively

Lise Lively Life Coaching

“I am reaching out to thank you for this wonderful service. I have hired a most amazing young woman from the Philippines to edit my youtube videos. If you go to my channel you can see the ones she created have complementary thumbnails. Her work is beautiful and we are developing a great working relationship. I am so grateful!”


Starry Blessings Astrology

“It was a really smooth process. Also, your video program "One VA Away" is EXCELLENT and completely sold me on trying Premium.”


“I would like to take a moment to say a huge THANK YOU! for putting together this website. You have made the process of growing my team so much easier than I ever thought possible. This really has been life changing for me: The ease of use of the platform has made the process of hiring employees quick and painless. The fact that I can hire Filipino workers for a fraction of US employees is exactly what my business needed in order to grow, and the best part, call me selfish, but it brings me such joy in being able to enhance multiple people's lives by offering them employment vs one or two here in the US, and don't even get me started on the quality of workmanship.... sooooo much better than US employees I have hired in the past, again this is probably due to the difference in pay rates. Anyways, I can't thank you enough for providing the opportunity for my company to expand!”

Jennifer Davis

“Thought I'd share that I hired an OFS 9 months ago and I'm delighted with her. She's been amazing. Any phone provider that provides IP phone services should be able to set up an overseas OFS with a soft phone app either a cell phone or computer. I pay $25 a month for her line and my ofs can make unlimited calls to and from the United States. And since her phone is tied into my phone system, she has an extension. I can dial her extension and talk to her. In addition, when people call my business phone number, she has an extension which people could just punch in and get through straight to her. She can also call other countries for the same rates that I pay.”

Aaron Saltzman

“Hi John, I remember watching your earlier videos when I first joined back in 2011. I hired a couple of VA's and they were with me up until recently. Logging back in more than 10 years later to hire again. Its great to see you still fronting the organization - I just wanted to congratulate you as one of the pioneers I respect and who were living the 'online lifestyle' long before all the youtubers came along ;-) Well done mate.”

John Baxter

“Thank you for putting out one of the most genuine email newsletters I've received. If you've delegated that too, they're doing an amazing job. I would love to hear more about how you interface with reports to delegate tasks. My first hire has been life changing. She's only been with me 2 weeks and she goes above and beyond in so many ways that have reduced my stress considerably. Her cost is marginally more than the agency I was using previously, and her work is 5x better AND faster. Literally. Keep up the great work and thanks so much.”

Lukas Rohler

“I have hired on various platforms since 2009 and plan to keep coming back when needed precisely for these reasons. My OFS are much more secure and our relationships and all our well being is in better condition than what I have been through in the past.”

Diego Torres

Just the other day I thought to myself, "Isn't it amazing to delegate so many of my daily activities (research, reporting, outreach) to my team." It's incredibly liberating! Instead of dreading having to do another task for a client, I am excited about it because it's something my team can handle. They are staying busy, our client relationship deepens, and our whole company looks better.

Mark Thackeray

“Hi John I love your weekly emails. I also love my VA! She works very hard and is always reliable.Her parents house was destroyed in the last typhoon and she was so depressed and worried about them. So I paid her 13th month money last month and her bonus - she was so happy and thankful that now she could help her parents as well as her own family. I only have a very little business but I am so thankful I can help someone else in this sometimes horrible world.”


“Hired my 4th VA, but my first long term intended OFS through using your One VA away course. Your process made it fun! And my new OFS is starting today handling the full administrative load of my mental health practice. Which I’m about 2.5 weeks behind on, so there’s quite a bit of opportunity for recording training videos and giving practice tasks for her. I especially love that she gets paid the full amount billed for services and I pay you a flat fee for sourcing connections for me.

Other connections that take a cut of the hourly rate has always felt bad and I get my project based assistants off those platforms as fast as I can and keep paying them the full amount agreed upon. It feels so ethical and good to engage in business the way you’ve set it up, and I’m grateful to have found you.”

Lauren Pennington

Other connections that take a cut of the hourly rate has always felt bad and I get my project based assistants off those platforms as fast as I can and keep paying them the full amount agreed upon. It feels so ethical and good to engage in business the way you’ve set it up, and I’m grateful to have found you.”

Lauren Pennington

“We made a difference in someone's life and are proud of it! Three years ago, on the very first day of work for my OFS I asked her what was wrong (I could see it on her face) - she had received an eviction notice that morning. I asked her how I could help; her simple answer was to pay her weekly instead of biweekly. Done! After all this was a simple request. Eight months later she had built and moved into a home on family property and a year after that she got her driver's license and her very first car! It really is rewarding to know we are making a difference.

In the spring I have a business trip to Asia and she will be meeting me there - we will see each other in person for the very first time and I am looking forward to it! Thank you, John, for helping me make a difference.”

Andrea Rickard

Hey John, First off, thanks for all you do. I learned a lot in your course and it helped me expand my team and really just take the chance on a VA, which has worked out great for us. We have hired two through your platform and will do so in the future.

Tim Mitchum

“Hey, John, I just saw your recent email and I want to say that we found two of the very best workers at an affordable price on your website. Then, we just hired another one last month and plan to hire more in the near future. We are a newer company on a limited budget so these professionals are a godsend to us! They have been with us an entire year, now have permanent positions with titles and responsibilities just like everyone else at our company. They are dedicated, hard working people who have grown as we grow.

Having said that, I will say that we treat them with respect and always keep good lines of communication with them. We do have to make special efforts to keep them informed and to have meetings when it's not the middle of the night for them. There has to be some give and take on both ends to make this work. But once you establish that trust in the relationship, this is a win win for everyone!! Thank you for having!”

Shelley Watson

I'm so grateful to you for all your emails and advice and the One VA Away challenge. I hired my first VA about 3 weeks ago and she is doing so well! I would love to give her something at some point soon just to encourage her and thank her because she's been really taking the initiative and learning SO much.

Christine Hambidge

Sanaplace LLC

We just hired an accountant and he’s great! I’m so happy. The first gal we hired didn’t have enough experience so we let her go after 2 weeks. She struggled a lot and I had to explain every little detail. But everything else with her was good. We are very grateful for your training and process, thank you so very much!

Inna Beardsley

“When I was by myself I didn't have anyone to take the tactical client work off my plate…Flori came in, built up the skills really quickly, and she's able to turn around stuff probably faster than I can, to be honest. [She’s a] very focused, very hard worker, and just really analytical.

And because she's able to turn around the client work, I don't feel like I'm behind…I can trust her…and it frees me up to have time to focus on the strategy. If I hadn't hired Flori, it's very unlikely we would have pivoted to another business model that's much more lucrative.”

Nathan Lippi

See his full story

I have four full time staff members in the Philippines- all hired from

I tell at least five people a day about Last week I gave a speech and told the room of 50 people about it.

Super grateful for your site, your podcast and your happy disposition.

Adam Probolsky

I hired my first OFS! And she starts on Monday. I am sooooo thankful to you for the One VA away challenge and I followed your steps all the way through. From beginning to hired was less than 10 days!

Christie Varner

I hired my first employee [3 years ago]...and now we have 11 virtual assistants from and we are actively at $140k per month in monthly recurring revenue.

Michael Schreibery

See his full story

I found the process [of hiring thru] to be very easy. I have since hired two more VAs and they basically do everything for me now. Give it a go because you have nothing to lose and a lot of time to gain.

Ela Gold

See her full story

Kimberly is such an asset and a valuable member of our company. There were times when Kimberly kept the business afloat when I couldn't be there. I just want to let know how well of a job they did vetting people who would help us with virtual work.

Nakita Everette

See her full story

Our OFS are seriously part of our team. They have changed our business model. It started 12 months ago, and our company has grown 400% since then.

Preston Keller

I never in my life would've thought that I would be working with a virtual assistant. I have 2, and I just started with a 3rd one. I cannot believe the space, the opportunity that they have given me.

Liz Gow

See her full story

Well, our story began in November 2015, and Mariah actually contacted me first, and just at the right time when I was looking for a job. She saw my profile and she said she was impressed by my English. I replied to her message, and she gave me a great hourly rate offer, so I said yes!

She was actually my first legit employer, with the screenshots, timer, and everything. I learned a lot of things from doing the tasks Mariah asked me to do, and I'm really thankful for having met her. She runs a fitness business, so I get to learn a lot about exercise doing the things she asks me to do. I learn so much that whenever I see my friends I often tell them, "oh, you know my boss Mariah says that you should do this to be more fit," or "you shouldn't do this." It's amazing.

Through I not only found a way to better myself, but I also found a way to augment my income. Which is just amazing.

How do you establish a good relationship with your employer? Well, language choice is really important. You really have to nitpick what to say and what not to say. I learned this the hard way when an employer called me out for being rude and disrespectful. So, with Mariah, I was really careful with my> words. It's just so difficult to convey tone in text, so my advice for jobseekers is that you should know the line between boss and friend. Besides that, you also need to submit outputs on time, and always ask how you can improve your work.

Arlo Polestico

“Because I am working home based, life is different. I get to bathe my son, play with him, sing some Nursery Rhymes, read books, bring him to school, and even teach him good manners.


See his full story

I'm thankful to OLJ for giving me the opportunity to learn the skills that I have now and to impart the knowledge to aspiring online Filipino specialists.

Maia Estrera

“ helped me create the freedom and the extra flexibility I needed in order to pursue my dreams. And continue business, without sacrificing my education.”


See his full story

I’ve been with my client for 9 years and still going. In those 9 years, a lot has changed in our family’s life... I can now take care of the kids at home when my husband is away at sea... I can afford to give my kids some of their wants and give them a more comfortable life. I’m just glad they don’t have to experience the hardships I endured at their age.

Mariah Sison

“I gained more time for myself, my family, and especially for my kid. I also have time for a partner who I can rely on everyday, and have time for extra curricular activities.”


See her full story

I'm a Wordpress developer. I was hired by Stephanie in 2020. She's a wildlife biologist turned career coach. The way her business works is she mentors aspiring biologists out on the field. What I did was redeveloped her whole website. It initially started out as a blog page, and then when I got on boarded, we transformed it into a fully functional website.

Aron Rint

“Just posted my resume online, someone called me thru, and now I am on my 8th month as a web designer, working at home, Thanks you very much!!!”

Rommel Bagtas has impacted our life in such a way that we are fulfilled every day. We have more time together as husband and wife. I'm also really happy and fulfilled with the tasks that I'm doing right now because it is within my passion so it doesn't really feel like I'm working. helped us live independently; it has allowed us to sustain a lifestyle that is peaceful and really fulfilling in all aspects.

Hershe Fe Saloma

“I guarantee you guys that this is a legit website, I found my writing job here. However, you need perseverance in applying. It took me almost a year to find the perfect employer. It was worth it.”

Esther Maris

My real success is happiness. Seeing my kids bond, learn to communicate well with each other, and learn just to laugh and be happy, that's my real success.

Freelancing has given me a chance to live my dreams and find deep satisfaction in my success.

Jehan Forro

“Thank you I found my employer here. I get to do my work and as the same time, take care of my kid!”

Mai Tan

"Try and try until you succeed", the saying which turned out my best friend, my strength and the reason why I was hired. Way back December 2013, I created my account. At that time, I was hesitant to pursue on searching jobs because of the fact that I don't have any working experience yet. Also, I don't have the courage to speak to foreign people especially on the application process, the interview (the video call). I saw my proof ID increased and had lot of views from the Employers, I eventually searched for the jobs that I thought would be a good fit for me as an Information Technology graduate. I got some replies but due to the lack of stable internet connection and the resources, I wasn't able to respond to them immediately. One time, I supposed to be interviewed using Skype video call but wasn't able to attend to it because of pocket wifi's slow data connection. I know on that moment I screwed the chance of getting the job. So what I did, I just keep on sending application letters to other Employers... been rejected, wasn't entertained well and been "seen zoned" even on the scenario that they're the one who reached out to me first. Then last year 2015 (2 years after), an Employer saw my profile and scheduled me for an interview. I was glad that the interview went well and it was just a chat interview. He then hired me on the spot and I started working to them after 3 days. It was such a nice feeling that you once dreamed of a life changing things and now you got it! It's just right in the palm of your hand. I'm blessed to be part of my boss' team and got the chance to share my blessings to my family. Now, I am 7 months and counting working with my boss as VA.

I shared to my friends what Onlinejobs did to my life and how grateful I am.. recently, I got 2 friends who were hired through your site, Like me, they keep on sending their applications until they got the slots. To everyone, I know it's not easy to apply for a job but I know if everyone have the courage and perseverance to get a job we might downgrade the probability or the percentage of unemployment here in the Philippines. Keep pursuing your dreams! Keep sending applications until the right Employer comes along. :)

Kudos to! You're indeed a great help to all Filipino workers. A thank you wouldn't be enough but still THANK YOU for making our dreams turn to reality. Keep the jobs coming guys!

Sheena Mae Roche Ypil

“Thank you After a month of searching for a homebased work, I finally found the perfect employer. We really get along with each other, thinking that this is my first VA job. Keep up the good work! ”

Nowie Laurio-Moreno

I lived in an orphanage for 12+ years. Because of, my son will not repeat the history or the fate that I got into. I'm very thankful to the platform for I am now financially capable to support my child.

JP Dela Cruz

“When you are working at home, there are so many advantages. You don't have to talk to a lot of people, like in my case, are all available on online chat. And the best part is there is no traffic!”


See her full story

My employer, a health and fitness coach in Florida, recognized my potential. I've taken on various roles, from a Facebook engagement specialist to a social media marketer, and now, I'm an account executive. As the business expanded, I brought my 18-year-old daughter Leina on board. A year later, my younger sister Faye joined us. Recently, Nika was hired as our video editor and graphic designer.

Working alongside my daughters and sister is fulfilling. It allows us to balance work and family time. Additionally, with my boss being a health coach, I've benefited from a personalized workout plan, helping me manage my health better.


“Thank you Iv'e been working since 2014, your site is such a big help (financially) specially in coping up needs for my two kids. I found the best employer here both part-time and full time.”

Melanie Alcesto Achas

I would like to thank Onlinejobs for giving me the stability to become a better father, to be there for my family more, and the opportunity to practice my religion the way I want to.

Hercules Reyes

“Best place! It took time and effort but i'm proud to say after 65 resumes sent and 4 interviews...I am HIRED for a job I truly love and it is geared toward my 4 year degree i have. I LOVE Best of the best and LEGIT!!!”

Cassandra Grace Gorre

I would like to thank you for the wonderful full time online job I have now. I applied last Oct. 5, 2015 on a job posting in your site seeking Media Production Assistant for Las Vegas Media Company. Luckily I passed the test task and since November 2015 up to March 2016 I was a regular part time member of our team. I worked as a full time Senior Loan Officer in a Lending Company before and decided to resign so that I can focus on the trainings I need. I am now a full-time Assistant to the Producers/ VA for a Las Vegas Media Company since April 1, 2016 and is now training for a Team Leader position. My bosses were very kind and they always want the best for me to grow personally and professionally. I have more time now with my family for a having a flexible schedule. This is truly an answered prayer for me.

I will always be grateful to because all of these started when I subscribed to your site. Thank you and more power!

All the best!

Annabel de Lara

“Working from home, I can say it is less stress. Holidays are YOURS, you can decide when to work. This is really a big difference. I got to pick up and bring my kids to school, I get to play with my kids, unlike in a BPO, you definitely can't do that.


See his full story

After 1 year of working online, I was able to save up and invested [on] 50 chicks, and their medicines, vitamins, and feeds. has fulfilled my dream of working from home, be a fur-parent, and support my husband in our poultry business.

Jeydi Diamante

“The beauty of an online job is you have no commute, and your wages are high since the ones paying you are from another country. You will also have exposure since your projects will be seen all over the world.”


See his full story

The thing that I like about is that they don't have that point system. I am free to look and search for jobs that are available and it's really an advantage for the employees and the employers. I was very lucky that when I made the profile,within less than a week, I was able to have a client that's where everything started. I no longer had to do the daily travel like I used to. I can spend more time with my daughter. My daughter would like to pursue tourism because she would like to be a flight attendant. And with the income that I am earning in I am very much ready to provide for her college.

Iryn Wee

“For almost 3 years of working with foreign employers, even now, I do believe creates more opportunities to the jobless Filipinos.. Only if you’re in this world, you should be a hardworker and accurate on your task. That’s why we need to be competent.”

Juls Ganzon Francisco

What really I like [about] working at home [is that] I get to work while I'm taking care of my baby. I'm able to have plenty of precious family moments because of

Gem Amrey Bernardo

“I was an unfortunate lad who had bad luck from finishing school. But that was years ago. Right now, with a nice job at my back thanks to OJ, I am just waiting for an approval of my PAG-IBIG house loan. Please pray for me”

Oni Quisumbing has helped us acquire a house. A first, it was a dream to have freedom of time; freedom of location so that I can work anywhere and at any time. made my dream come true.

Jay Jay

“Still with my Canadian Employer who found me through The pay is good because no 3rd party deducts my salary, and best of all, I am communicating directly with my client. I can finally balance motherhood and career, not to mention financial security. Thank you for saving me!”

Kriselle Jhean Tabalanza

I’m very grateful [to] for helping me find a good employer. I’m able to learn new skills, help my mom financially, and have the opportunity to travel, attend concerts, and give to charity. really transformed my life for the better.

Niña Hernando

“When I was working on, on my online work, I was also going to school and my employer was aware of it and it's okay with her.”


See her full story

I am not the person I am today without Thanks so much!


Thank you for helping me find the employer that I have now. It’s in the same industry as my interests, and I am empowered economically. I get to travel a lot these days so thank you so much! I’m so grateful.

Janina Obias

Since working online, a lot has changed in my life. I was able to save up for the renovation and extension of my parents’ house. We have also been able to travel to countries including England, Ireland, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Hongkong, Macau, among many others.

Dei Arogante

Thanks to, I’m able to be in this comfortable and stable stage in my life with plenty of time with my family and with no problems providing for the future of my son.

Deej Salazar

Working online has been such a blessing. It has given me and my family financial stability that I can give my newborn son a good life. Thank you!

Mikel Llanes