Current Employment Status:
Hired Full Time on Aug 26, 2020


Klaviyo Email Marketing Specialist

With Timeproof
mark as hired


Looking for part-time work (4 hours/day)

at $6.00/hour ($528.00/month)

Bachelors degree

Last Active

May 29th, 2024 (3 days ago)

Member Since

August 22nd, 2017

Profile Description

Hello! I'm Arni, a dedicated e-commerce business consultant with a specialty in transforming online stores into revenue-generating powerhouses. 

My journey began as a Virtual Assistant for Amazon sellers, a role that honed my skills in product listing optimization and gave me firsthand insight into the e-commerce world.

As I delved deeper into the needs of e-commerce businesses, I expanded my expertise to encompass Walmart product listings, realizing that success in e-commerce isn't just about being present; it's about standing out. 

Today, I'm not just an optimizer; I'm a Klaviyo email marketing specialist committed to helping brands like yours forge unbreakable bonds with customers.

*My Mission*
"My mission is to help e-commerce sellers like yours unlock sustainable revenue growth and unbreakable brand loyalty through strategic email marketing." This isn't just a statement—it's a promise. In a marketplace flooded with competition, my goal is to ensure your brand isn't just seen but remembered.

*How I Do It*
Leveraging advanced tools and innovative strategies, I help brands optimize their product listings across Amazon and Walmart, ensuring they rank higher and sell faster. 

But sustainable growth requires connection, and that's where my email marketing expertise comes into play. 

Through Klaviyo, I design personalized email flows & campaigns that don't just drive sales, but also build lasting relationships.

*Ready to Grow*
Send a message and let's elevate your e-commerce business today!

Top Skills

Marketing » Email Marketing

Marketing » Direct Mail Marketing

Other Skills

Marketing » Copywriting

Real Estate » Lead Generation

Marketing » Social Media Management » Social Media Marketing

Basic Information

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Quezon City, Manila
Tests Taken
Score:  118
Dominance: 46%
Influence: 19%
Steadiness: 26%
Compliance: 9%
Uploaded ID
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“The best hire that I've ever made. ”

Timothy Schucker


“I'm working with a very very talented person.”

- Austin L. Church "ID Proof" indicates if "they are who they say they are".

It DOES NOT indicate skill level.

ID Proof scores are 0 - 99 with 99 being the best. It is calculated based on dozens of data points.

It's intended to help employers know who they're talking to is real, and not a fake identity.

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