
Virtual Assistant, Appointment Setter, Customer Service, Graphic and Video Edito

With Timeproof
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Looking for full-time work (8 hours/day)

at $6.00/hour ($1,056.00/month)

Bachelors degree

Last Active

May 23rd, 2024 (24 days ago)

Member Since

April 30th, 2024

Profile Description

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Top Skills

Customer Support » Chat Support

Experience: 1 - 2 years

Customer Interaction Handling: Managed over 50+ daily chat interactions, providing detailed and prompt responses tailored to individual needs and circumstances. Email Support: Efficiently resolved customer queries via email, maintaining high standards of professionalism and accuracy in a high-volume setting. Ticket Management: Utilized advanced ticketing systems to log and track customer issues from initiation through to resolution, ensuring a consistent and reliable follow-up process. Software Proficiency: Demonstrated expertise in utilizing industry-standard CRM and operational software, including Salesforce, Klientware, Dispatch, and Oracle, to streamline customer service processes and enhance data management. Performance Optimization: Analyzed customer interaction data to identify trends and areas for improvement, contributing to ongoing enhancements in service delivery and customer satisfaction. Collaboration and Training: Collaborated with team members to share best practices and contributed to training sessions on CRM software and customer interaction strategies.

Office and Administration » Personal Assistant

Experience: 1 - 2 years

Appointment and Calendar Management: Efficiently scheduling appointments, meetings, and calls using tools like Calendly and Google Calendar. Ensuring all involved parties are well-informed and prepared. Lead Generation: Utilizing online platforms and databases to research and identify potential leads, prospects, and clients. Supporting business development through targeted research. Video Editing and Graphic Design: Crafting promotional content through video editing. Creating visually appealing graphics for social media posts, website banners, email newsletters, and other marketing materials. Social Media Management: Developing and implementing strategies to enhance brand awareness, engagement, and followers on social media platforms. Creating and scheduling posts, engaging with comments, and analyzing performance metrics. Email Management: Organizing and prioritizing email correspondence to ensure efficient communication. Proficiency in Virtual Assistant Tools: Utilizing a range of tools such as Slack, Notion, Discord, HubSpot, Yuna Pro, Shopify, and ClickUp to ensure seamless communication and task management. My goal is to streamline communication and enhance productivity, supporting the team in achieving business objectives efficiently.

Customer Support » Customer Relationship Management

Experience: 2 - 5 years

This streamlined approach helps a Customer Relationship Manager efficiently handle the complexities of managing diverse client bases both locally and globally, driving sustained business growth. Understand Client Profiles: Local Clients: Familiarize with local market trends and preferences. International Clients: Acknowledge cultural differences, time zones, and market dynamics. Relationship Building: Initial Engagement: Ensure a personalized onboarding process. Regular Communication: Maintain contact through updates and personal check-ins, respecting time preferences. Trust Building: Establish reliability through consistent service and quick issue resolution. Utilize Technology: CRM Software: Use platforms like Salesforce to manage client data. Communication Tools: Employ video conferencing for meetings, especially with international clients. Data Security: Adhere to data protection laws. Service Customization: Tailored Solutions: Develop solutions specific to the business contexts of each client. Feedback Loops: Gather and act on client feedback regularly. Issue Resolution and Support: Responsive Support: Offer swift support and use a ticketing system for tracking. Proactive Problem Solving: Anticipate and address potential challenges early. Performance Review and Optimization: Regular Assessments: Periodically review client relationships and operational strategies. Adjustments: Adapt strategies based on performance data. Training and Development: Continuous Learning: Keep up with CRM best practices and market trends. Cultural Competence: Train in cultural nuances for better international client management.

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“I have found someone who is smart, has a great work ethic and is easy to work with.”

Sara Brumfield


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ID Proof scores are 0 - 99 with 99 being the best. It is calculated based on dozens of data points.

It's intended to help employers know who they're talking to is real, and not a fake identity.

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