
Customer Service Representative | Graphic Design | Video Edi

With Timeproof
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Looking for full-time work (8 hours/day)

at $2.84/hour ($500.02/month)

Bachelors degree

Last Active

June 6th, 2024 (10 days ago)

Member Since

March 20th, 2024

Profile Description

About Me
Hi there! I'm Regina, a passionate and versatile freelancer with a knack for delivering top-notch services. With 5 years of experience under my belt, I've honed my skills to bring innovative solutions and high-quality results to every project I undertake.
My Journey
My journey as a freelancer began in 2018, driven by my desire for creative freedom and my love for being a Customer Service Representative. Over the years, I've had the privilege of working with a diverse range of clients, from startups to established businesses, helping them achieve their goals through my expertise and dedication.
What I Do
I specialize in:
- Providing professional customer service experience
- Maintaining a database of customer information and ensuring complete customer satisfaction
- Passion in Graphic design and Video Editing
Whether it's specific task or project, I approach each project with a unique perspective and a commitment to excellence.
Why Choose Me?
Quality Work: I take pride in delivering work that not only meets but exceeds client expectations.
Timely Delivery: Understanding the importance of deadlines, I ensure timely completion of all projects.
Personalized Service: I believe in building strong relationships with my clients, tailoring my services to fit their unique needs.
My Process
My process is straightforward and client-centric:
Consultation: Understanding your needs and goals.
Planning: Crafting a detailed plan to achieve the desired outcomes.
Execution: Bringing the plan to life with meticulous attention to detail.
Review and Revision: Ensuring the final product aligns perfectly with your vision.
Let's Work Together
I'm always excited to take on new challenges and help bring ideas to life. If you're looking for a dedicated and skilled freelancer to join your project, let's connect! You can reach me at Upgrade to see actual info or Upgrade to see actual info.
Looking forward to collaborating with you!

Top Skills

Video Editing » Social Media Video Editing

Experience: Less than 6 months

As a passionate and dedicated video editor, I transform raw footage into captivating visual stories. Beyond technical skills, I bring a personal touch to every project. Ensuring the final product not only meets but exceeds their expectations. My passion for video editing is fueled by a constant desire to learn and stay updated with the latest industry trends and techniques.

Customer Support » Technical Support

Experience: 1 - 2 years

As a Customer Representative one of my tasks is being a Technical Support with my 2 years of experience in BPO Industry I have learned the basic skills to help customer, such as guide customers through troubleshooting steps for common technical problems, whether they are related to software, hardware, or network issues. For example, I can help diagnose connectivity issues, software installation problems, or device malfunctions by providing step-by-step instructions.

Customer Support » Customer Service

Experience: 2 - 5 years

I've been a customer Service Representative for five years, I am confident that I can handle multiple interactions simultaneously without compromising the quality of service, making me highly efficient in managing high volumes of inquiries. I can also deliver consistent and accurate information every time, ensuring that customers receive reliable answers to their inquiries.

Other Skills

Design » Graphic Design

Experience: Less than 6 months

As a passionate and innovative graphic designer, I bring ideas to life through visually striking and meaningful designs. With over 2 years of experience in the graphic design industry, I have mastered the art of creating compelling visuals that resonate with audiences and communicate powerful messages. My expertise spans across branding, print design, digital media, and illustration, making me a versatile asset to any creative project.

Basic Information

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Tests Taken
Score:  100
Dominance: 39
Influence: 18
Steadiness: 30
Compliance: 13
Uploaded ID
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It DOES NOT indicate skill level.

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