
Admin Assistant | Real Estate Assistant

With Timeproof
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Looking for full-time work (8 hours/day)

at $5.00/hour ($880.00/month)

Bachelors degree

Last Active

June 1st, 2024 (15 days ago)

Member Since

January 10th, 2024

Profile Description

Highly motivated and organized virtual assistant with 3+ years of experience in real estate and sales. Skilled in property research, database management, client communication, and lead generation. Proven ability to analyze data, identify opportunities, and build strong relationships.
Key Skills:Real Estate Research & AnalysisClient Relationship ManagementDatabase Management & CRM SystemsLead Generation & Cold CallingCommunication & Organization

Top Skills

Real Estate » Cold Calling

Experience: 2 - 5 years

Adapting and crafting impactful pitches tailored to different audiences and objectives. - Navigating rejection with positivity and persistence, maintaining focus on reaching potential clients.

Other Skills

Real Estate » Lead Generation

Experience: 2 - 5 years

I craft exciting opportunities for home buyers and sellers! I connect with people interested in residential, DUD, and auction properties. What's the secret for successful leads? Communication! I build relationships and trust through friendly conversations, emails, and social media. I'm also a lead generation whiz, using phone calls, email marketing, and social media outreach to find potential clients for our agents.

Customer Support » Email Support

Experience: 2 - 5 years

In my role, I thrive on crafting clear, concise, and engaging responses to customer inquiries. My top priority is ensuring you have accurate information and a positive experience. I excel at understanding and addressing your concerns with empathy and patience, building trust and rapport through attentive communication. No email is a mystery to me! I can analyze the content, identify the underlying issue, and respond with tailored solutions that meet your specific needs.

Customer Support » Phone Support

Experience: 2 - 5 years

Deftly navigate tricky situations, offering solutions and options to resolve caller concerns. Engage callers in friendly, helpful conversations, building a good relationship and trust over the phone.

Office and Administration » Data Entry

Experience: 2 - 5 years

I'm a data whiz in the sales world! I can handle large amounts of information quickly and accurately, always meeting deadlines. Spreadsheets like Excel and Google Sheets are my playground, I also familiar with other CRM tools like Apollo, HubSpot etc. and I'm comfortable creating and organizing data with them. Plus, I'm familiar with basic database functions to find and manage information efficiently.

Basic Information

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El Salvador City, Misamis Oriental
Tests Taken
Score:  112
Dominance: 40
Influence: 19
Steadiness: 30
Compliance: 11
Uploaded ID
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“I have found someone who is smart, has a great work ethic and is easy to work with.”

Sara Brumfield


“I'm working with a very very talented person.”

- Austin L. Church "ID Proof" indicates if "they are who they say they are".

It DOES NOT indicate skill level.

ID Proof scores are 0 - 99 with 99 being the best. It is calculated based on dozens of data points.

It's intended to help employers know who they're talking to is real, and not a fake identity.

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