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Looking for full-time work (8 hours/day)

at $18.00/hour ($3,168.00/month)

Bachelors degree

Last Active

May 26th, 2024 (22 days ago)

Member Since

December 27th, 2023

Profile Description

Solutions-driven programmer with a nine-year track record of commended performance in modular and object-oriented programming. Well-versed in all phases of the software development lifecycle, with a strong working knowledge of algorithms and data structures. Proven success in engineering customized solutions to improve business processes, operations and profitability.

Top Skills

Web Programming » Javascript

Experience: 5 - 10 years

I am adept at building dynamic and interactive web applications. My expertise extends to leveraging the full potential of JavaScript to create responsive user interfaces, employing both vanilla JavaScript and popular libraries/frameworks like Angular or JQuery. I have a strong understanding of asynchronous programming, utilizing features such as Promises and Async/Await to handle complex operations seamlessly. Additionally, my proficiency includes working with AJAX for efficient data retrieval and manipulation. I am skilled in implementing event-driven architecture, enabling seamless user interactions and enhanced user experiences. My coding practices prioritize modularity, readability, and performance optimization, ensuring that JavaScript functions seamlessly across various browsers. Constantly staying abreast of evolving JavaScript standards and best practices, I am well-equipped to contribute effectively to the development of dynamic and modern web applications.

Web Programming » HTML

Experience: 5 - 10 years

I can proficiently create structured and semantically meaningful web content. My expertise lies in crafting well-formed HTML documents that adhere to industry standards, fostering accessibility and search engine optimization. I am adept at utilizing HTML5 features to enhance the user experience, including the implementation of new structural elements and multimedia integration. With a keen eye for detail, I ensure cross-browser compatibility and responsiveness, enabling seamless viewing across various devices. My understanding of HTML extends to the effective use of forms, input validation, and the integration of external resources such as CSS and JavaScript to enhance the presentation and functionality of web pages. As an advocate for clean and maintainable code, I follow best practices to create HTML that is both readable and easily maintainable, contributing to the overall success of web development projects.

Software » C#

Experience: 5 - 10 years

Possessing proficient C# coding skills, I am adept at developing robust and efficient software solutions. My expertise lies in crafting clean, modular, and maintainable code that adheres to best practices and design patterns. With a deep understanding of object-oriented programming principles, I create scalable applications that meet both functional and performance requirements. I excel in utilizing C#'s extensive feature set, including LINQ for expressive data querying, asynchronous programming for responsive applications, and a range of libraries and frameworks to expedite development. Exception handling, memory management, and efficient algorithm implementation are inherent aspects of my coding approach. Whether developing desktop, web, or mobile applications, my proficiency extends to leveraging C#'s versatility across diverse platforms. Additionally, my commitment to continuous learning ensures that I stay abreast of the latest advancements within the C# ecosystem, allowing me to deliver high-quality and innovative software solutions.

Software » Data Engineering » SQL

Experience: 5 - 10 years

With proficient SQL skills, I excel in crafting intricate database queries to extract precise information from complex datasets. I am proficient in constructing SELECT statements with multiple conditions and employing various types of joins to seamlessly merge data from disparate tables. Grouping and aggregating data using GROUP BY and aggregate functions come naturally to me, enabling me to derive meaningful insights from large datasets. Additionally, my expertise extends to data modification operations, including the use of transactions to maintain data integrity. I am adept at creating and utilizing views for encapsulating logic and have a solid understanding of indexes to optimize query performance. With a keen eye for database design, I contribute to creating well-structured schemas and implementing normalization principles. My familiarity with stored procedures, user-defined functions, and advanced filtering techniques further underscores my proficiency in leveraging SQL for efficient and robust database operations.

Other Skills

Design » Adobe » Photoshop

Experience: 10+ years

I excel in digital image manipulation and graphic design. My expertise encompasses a wide range of tasks, including photo retouching, color correction, and composition. I am adept at utilizing Photoshop's powerful tools to enhance images, remove imperfections, and create visually stunning graphics. From designing eye-catching social media posts to crafting professional-level marketing materials, I bring a keen eye for detail and a creative touch to every project. My proficiency extends to working with layers, masks, and various filters, enabling me to achieve precise and polished results. With a deep understanding of Photoshop's capabilities and a commitment to staying abreast of the latest features, I consistently deliver high-quality visual content tailored to meet diverse creative needs.

Web Programming » Javascript » Angular JS

Experience: 6 months - 1 year

I proficiently contribute to the development of dynamic and modular web applications. My expertise in this framework enables me to build responsive user interfaces and single-page applications (SPAs) that provide a seamless user experience. I am adept at utilizing Angular's two-way data binding, dependency injection, and modular architecture to create maintainable and scalable code. My proficiency extends to working with Angular components, services, and directives to encapsulate functionality and enhance code reusability. Additionally, I leverage Angular's powerful features for handling routing, forms, and HTTP requests, ensuring efficient communication with backend services. My commitment to staying updated on Angular's evolving ecosystem positions me to implement the latest best practices, contributing effectively to the success of modern web development projects.

Web Programming » Javascript » jQuery

Experience: 5 - 10 years

I bring efficiency to web development through streamlined DOM manipulation and event handling. My proficiency in jQuery allows me to simplify and accelerate common JavaScript tasks, enhancing the interactivity of web pages. I am adept at utilizing jQuery's extensive set of methods for DOM traversal, manipulation, and animation, resulting in a more responsive and visually engaging user experience. With a focus on code optimization and readability, I leverage jQuery to facilitate the development of dynamic and interactive elements, such as image sliders, form validations, and AJAX-based content loading. My understanding of jQuery plugins further extends my ability to integrate and customize pre-built functionalities seamlessly. As I continue to expand my skills, I am well-positioned to contribute effectively to web projects that benefit from the efficiency and versatility that jQuery brings to front-end development.

Web Programming » Javascript » Typescript

Experience: 6 months - 1 year

I proficiently enhance the robustness and maintainability of web applications. My expertise lies in leveraging TypeScript's statically-typed nature to catch errors during development, ensuring a more reliable codebase. I adeptly define and use interfaces to create clear and structured data models, promoting code clarity and collaboration within teams. With a solid understanding of TypeScript's object-oriented features, such as classes and inheritance, I contribute to the development of scalable and modular code. Additionally, I utilize TypeScript's support for modern ECMAScript features, enhancing the overall quality of JavaScript code. My commitment to writing clean and well-documented TypeScript code, along with a focus on integrating it seamlessly into popular frameworks like Angular, positions me as a valuable asset for projects that prioritize type safety and code maintainability.

Software » ASP.NET

Experience: 5 - 10 years

I proficiently contribute to the development of robust and scalable web applications. My expertise encompasses leveraging ASP.NET's MVC architecture to create well-organized and modular code, promoting maintainability and extensibility. I am adept at utilizing C# for server-side logic, ensuring efficient data processing and business logic implementation. My proficiency extends to working with ASP.NET's rich set of features, including authentication, authorization, and session management, to enhance application security and user management. Additionally, I am skilled in integrating ASP.NET with databases, utilizing Entity Framework for seamless data access. With a commitment to best practices and a thorough understanding of ASP.NET's ecosystem, I am well-equipped to contribute effectively to web development projects that demand a solid foundation in Microsoft's web development framework.

Video Editing » Adobe Premiere Pro

Experience: 2 - 5 years

I proficiently navigate the intricacies of video editing and production. My expertise lies in using Premiere's versatile tools to assemble, cut, and enhance video footage seamlessly. I am adept at leveraging key features such as timeline editing, transitions, and audio synchronization to create visually compelling and professionally polished videos. My proficiency extends to color correction, video effects, and motion graphics, enhancing the overall visual appeal of the content. Whether editing short films, promotional videos, or social media clips, I bring a creative eye and technical finesse to the editing process. Additionally, I am well-versed in exporting videos in various formats and resolutions to meet specific platform requirements. With a commitment to staying current with the latest features and industry trends, I am poised to contribute effectively to video production projects that demand a skilled and creative touch in Adobe Premiere.

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Lapu-Lapu, Cebu
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