
Industrial Engineer/Procurement Buyer

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Looking for full-time work (8 hours/day)

at $5.00/hour ($880.00/month)

Bachelors degree

Last Active

May 7th, 2024 (40 days ago)

Member Since

December 10th, 2023

Profile Description

Hello, I'm Upgrade to see actual info Upgrade to see actual info Upgrade to see actual info, a seasoned Industrial Engineer specializing in procurement and supply chain management. With a solid background in optimizing purchasing processes and a track record of success in the industry, I bring a wealth of expertise to any team.

Professional Background:
My journey in the field of Industrial Engineering has been marked by a passion for enhancing operational efficiency and ensuring streamlined procurement practices. As a procurement buyer, I've navigated the intricacies of supply chain logistics, adeptly managing vendor relationships, negotiating contracts, and implementing strategies to drive cost savings without compromising quality.

Areas of Expertise:
*Strategic Procurement: Crafting and executing procurement strategies aligned with organizational goals.
*Vendor Relationship Management: Establishing and nurturing strong partnerships for mutual success.
*Contract Negotiation: Skillfully negotiating contracts to secure favorable terms and conditions.
*Supply Chain Optimization: Analyzing supply chain processes to identify areas for improvement and efficiency gains.
*Inventory Control: Implementing effective inventory management practices to minimize waste and maximize efficiency.
*I am enthusiastic about exploring roles that allow me to leverage my procurement prowess in innovative ways. If you're in search of a proactive, detail-oriented professional to optimize your procurement processes and elevate your team's efficiency, let's connect! I'm eager to explore how my skills can align with your organization's objectives.

Feel free to reach out and start a conversation about potential collaborations, projects, or opportunities that align with my expertise. I'm excited about the prospect of contributing my skills to a forward-thinking team in a remote capacity!

Top Skills

Other Skills

E-Commerce » Inventory Management

Experience: 1 - 2 years

E-Commerce » Inventory Management » Purchasing

Experience: 1 - 2 years

With nearly two years of experience in a manufacturing company, I've excelled as a Procurement Buyer, overseeing critical aspects of the supply chain and procurement processes. My tenure reflects a solid foundation in procurement and supply chain management, positioning me for expanded responsibilities or leadership roles. I aim to further optimize procurement processes, deepen vendor relationships, and continue driving operational efficiency in line with the company's strategic goals.

E-Commerce » Inventory Management » Quality Control

Experience: 1 - 2 years

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Lemery, Batangas
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