
Project Manager, Adobe InDesign Expert, CSR, VA

With Timeproof
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Looking for part-time work (4 hours/day)

at $6.00/hour ($528.00/month)

Bachelors degree

Last Active

June 12th, 2024 (4 days ago)

Member Since

June 23rd, 2016

Profile Description

Experienced Project Manager, Expert Book Interior Formatter Through Adobe InDesign, Skillful Customer Service Representative, Professional Virtual Assistant. Man, you don't need to look somewhere else! 

Top Skills

Project Management

Experience: 2 - 5 years

I'm responsible for approving market-ready book cover designs, assigning new projects, writing designers' monthly performance reviews, and managing a whole team of more than 17 members. Because of proven exemplary performance, I was promoted as the General Manager from being a Customer Service Representative in just less than a year, with multiple salary increases here and there. I love this job, and I love the people I work with here, and it really makes a difference if you do.

Design » Adobe » Indesign

Experience: 6 months - 1 year

I'm a professional book interior formatter. I learned Adobe InDesign in just less than month. And learning a new, intricate tool in a short period of time reminded me of my true potential, because sometimes we tend to forget who we are and what are the things that we can do. Anyway, If you want your book to have that remarkable charm, then let's talk! We will match your interior with your book cover for a stunning professional look. You'll definitely want to write more! I can deliver both PDF files for your print version as well as EPUB files for your eBook version.

Customer Support

Experience: 6 months - 1 year

I worked as a Customer Service Representative in 2016 and because of my proven exemplary performance, I was able to have a salary raise earlier than what was scheduled. I was offered a higher position in less than a year, which I refused because I had to move outside of the city. Helping customers has a special place in my heart and I'd always love to be able to do it again.

Other Skills

E-Commerce » Amazon

Experience: Less than 6 months

I had a part-time job as an Amazon Customer Support back in 2018, but I only worked four months for this client because I gave birth and I decided to just stop because of all the "first time mom" blues I had. I enjoyed this job, just like all my other job experience. I loved helping customers and making their days better. 11/10 would love to have a similar job again in the future!

Customer Support » Chat Support

Experience: Less than 6 months

I used to work as a live chat agent in 2020, but I had to stop because of some ethical reasons. It was the peak of COVID-19 and the store was lying about where their products are coming from and my conscience just can't, lol. Too bad because I really enjoyed chatting with people and solving their problems.

Basic Information

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Caloocan City, Metro Manila
Tests Taken
Score:  125
Dominance: 23
Influence: 17
Steadiness: 45
Compliance: 15
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Gaurab - Adhikari


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