
Real State (Documentation Analyst)

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Looking for full-time work (8 hours/day)

at $4.00/hour ($704.00/month)

Bachelors degree

Last Active

June 2nd, 2024 (today)

Member Since

September 29th, 2023

Profile Description

A Computer Science graduate with both Production Supervisor and operator experience for 8 years combined in a high volume manufacturing industry. I have handled operators, technicians, engineers and QA, monitoring their performance and other various needs in operations as required. I also have work experience in Marketing and BPO Industry and currently as an Credit and Documentation Analyst in a Real State company where my primary task is to do different letters such as letters for stop payment, approvals, disapproval, compliance, transfer of lot, change of name, extrajudicial partition and move-in as well as early move-in.

Top Skills

Marketing » Email Marketing

Experience: 6 months - 1 year

My main task is to answer inquiries and comments of clients regarding dental services. Booking of appointments for client’s schedule. Checking start and end of the shift checklist. Sending appointment letters for minor patients. Sharing ideas and knowledge how to improve marketing strategy. And explaining the differences of each treatments to the patients.

Real Estate » Analysis

Experience: Less than 6 months

A Computer Science graduate with both Production Supervisor and operator experience for 8 years combined in a high volume manufacturing industry. I have handled operators, technicians, engineers and QA, monitoring their performance and other various needs in operations as required. I also have work experience in Marketing and BPO Industry and currently as an Credit and Documentation Analyst in a Real State company where my primary task is to do different letters such as letters for stop payment, approvals, disapproval, compliance, transfer of lot, change of name, extrajudicial partition and move-in as well as early move-in. I also do phone calls to follow-up clients requirements and address their concerns. In line to this, I communicate also in other medium such as SMS and email.

Other Skills

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Calamba, LAGUNA
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