
 Customer Service / Data Entry / Social Media

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Looking for full-time work (8 hours/day)

at $6.00/hour ($1,056.00/month)

Associates degree

Last Active

May 27th, 2024 (21 days ago)

Member Since

July 19th, 2023

Profile Description

I am an adept professional with a rich background in customer service and a creative edge in social media content creation. Through my journey, I have honed a skill set that seamlessly marries customer-centric expertise with the art of storytelling, offering a unique perspective that contributes to brand success on multiple fronts.

When it comes to customer service, I don't just follow the rulebook – I create exceptional experiences. I'm fueled by a passion for going above and beyond, and I've got a knack for understanding diverse customer needs. Whether things get crazy busy or a curveball comes our way, I thrive under pressure, making sure every customer interaction is a positive and productive one.

As a social media content designer, I don't simply write posts; I also weave stories. My finger is firmly on the pulse of digital trends, enabling me to create content that captures attention and resonates deeply with audiences. From concept to execution, I leverage visuals, captions, and strategic timing to curate content that sparks genuine engagement, forging connections beyond the screen.

I'm reaching out to offer various digital services such as:
-Social Media Management
-Marketing Management
-Graphic Design
-Video Editing
-Influencer Marketing and reach-out
-Customer Service
-Calendar management
-Email Management.
-Data Management

What sets me apart is the ability to blend my customer service finesse with my creative acumen. By infusing my customer-centric ethos into my content, I bridge the gap between brand and consumer, establishing a seamless flow of communication that bolsters trust and loyalty. The result is a cohesive brand narrative that thrives across platforms, consistently delivering value.

For me, customer service isn't just a role; it's a philosophy. Likewise, my content creation isn't just about visuals; it's about stories that resonate. I'm driven by an unwavering commitment to excellence in both realms, underpinned by the passion for fostering genuine connections that fuel brand evolution.

If you're seeking a dynamic professional who seamlessly integrates customer-centric finesse with creative storytelling, let's connect. Together, we can amplify your brand's presence, cultivate lasting customer relationships, and ignite digital success.

Top Skills

Marketing » Copywriting

Experience: Less than 6 months

Customer Support

Experience: 5 - 10 years

Office and Administration » Admin Data Processing

Experience: 1 - 2 years

Other Skills

Marketing » Content Creation

Experience: 1 - 2 years

Marketing » Social Media Management

Experience: 6 months - 1 year

Basic Information

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Quezon City, Metro Manila
Tests Taken
Score:  105
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“My virtual assistant literally changed my life.”

Cody Russell


“They are wonderful highly skilled people”

- Shepard Humphries "ID Proof" indicates if "they are who they say they are".

It DOES NOT indicate skill level.

ID Proof scores are 0 - 99 with 99 being the best. It is calculated based on dozens of data points.

It's intended to help employers know who they're talking to is real, and not a fake identity.

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