
VA l Technical Support | Sales & Cold Caller | CSR

With Timeproof
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Looking for full-time work (8 hours/day)

at $8.00/hour ($1,408.00/month)

Bachelors degree

Last Active

June 9th, 2024 (8 days ago)

Member Since

July 1st, 2023

Profile Description

Bringing 11 years of excellence in Tech support, VA, real estate/sales and customer service roles. My dedication to resolving issues promptly, coupled with a deep understanding of customer needs, ensures client satisfaction. My proven track record in real estate sales further attests to my adaptability and customer-centric approach. I am eager to leverage my skills in problem-solving, communication, and sales to contribute to your team's success. I am excited about the possibility of utilizing my customer service prowess to drive positive outcomes for your company.

Top Skills

Professional Services » Management Services » Customer Support Management

Experience: 5 - 10 years

Been a tech support engineer/IT helpdesk/technical support rep/customer service/email and chat support/SME and seconded team leader for 11 years. I always have a perfect attendance, never got late or absent. Have certificates as a top performer and always hit KPI's/metrics. Also became one of the SME's to support newbies when it comes to process. My first love is really technical, I enjoyed helping people when it comes to tech issues via chat, email or phone call. I always want what's the best for both my company and our clients/callers. I always give my 101% love and dedication when it comes to work. I have no problem with shifting schedule.

Real Estate » Appointment Setting

Experience: 2 - 5 years

-Virtual Assistant to the Dentist CEO and Appointment Setter from November 2020 to August 2023, I efficiently managed patient scheduling, maintained the office calendar, and handled appointment confirmations. I ensured smooth communication and streamlined operations, contributing to the practice's success and patient satisfaction.

Customer Support » Technical Support

Experience: 5 - 10 years

Been a tech support engineer/IT helpdesk/technical support rep/customer service/email and chat support/SME and seconded team leader for 11 years. I always have a perfect attendance, never got late or absent. Have certificates as a top performer and always hit KPI's/metrics. Also became one of the SME's to support newbies when it comes to process. My first love is really technical, I enjoyed helping people when it comes to tech issues via chat, email or phone call. I always want what's the best for both my company and our clients/callers. I always give my 101% love and dedication when it comes to work. I have no problem with shifting schedule.

Other Skills

Real Estate » Commercial Real Estate

Experience: 5 - 10 years

Been a real estate agent for more than 5yrs with PRC license/certificate. Selling condos, land, house and lot in person and online.

Customer Support » Email Support

Experience: 5 - 10 years

Been a tech support engineer/IT helpdesk/technical support rep/customer service/email and chat support/SME and seconded team leader for 11 years. I always have a perfect attendance, never got late or absent. Have certificates as a top performer and always hit KPI's/metrics. Also became one of the SME's to support newbies when it comes to process. My first love is really technical, I enjoyed helping people when it comes to tech issues via chat, email or phone call. I always want what's the best for both my company and our clients/callers.

Customer Support » Chat Support

Experience: 5 - 10 years

Been a tech support engineer/IT helpdesk/technical support rep/customer service/email and chat support/SME and seconded team leader for 11 years. I always have a perfect attendance, never got late or absent. Have certificates as a top performer and always hit KPI's/metrics. Also became one of the SME's to support newbies when it comes to process. My first love is really technical, I enjoyed helping people when it comes to tech issues via chat, email or phone call. I always want what's the best for both my company and our clients/callers. I always give my 101% love and dedication when it comes to work. I have no problem with shifting schedule.

Basic Information

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Tests Taken
Score:  127
Dominance: 38
Influence: 30
Steadiness: 22
Compliance: 10
Uploaded ID
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“I can find little blocks of time to focus so we can scale this business.”

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“We're super thrilled to have found her!”

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It DOES NOT indicate skill level.

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It's intended to help employers know who they're talking to is real, and not a fake identity.

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