
Academic/Content Writer

With Timeproof
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Looking for full-time work (8 hours/day)

at $10.00/hour ($1,760.00/month)

Bachelors degree

Last Active

May 29th, 2024 (19 days ago)

Member Since

June 24th, 2023

Profile Description

With a combined experience of 5 years as a freelance writer and Math Tutor/Expert, I bring a unique set of skills to meet your specific needs. As a writer, I have successfully completed around 5000 orders from different platforms, prioritizing exceptional quality and meeting the highest standards in every piece I deliver. My mastery extends to writing in different citation styles like APA, MLA, Chicago, Turabian, and more. My previous works have encompassed content writing, essay writing, academic writing, research writing, and more. Meeting deadlines is a top priority for me, ensuring timely delivery and your satisfaction with the final project. As a Math Tutor/Expert, I have supported numerous students with their homework and exams, leveraging my expertise and dedication to provide exceptional guidance. Like in my writing career, meeting deadlines and ensuring timely delivery are integral to my approach, guaranteeing your satisfaction with the completed project. With my qualifications and commitment to excellence, I am confident in my ability to contribute to your success and eagerly await the opportunity to assist you.

Top Skills

Marketing » Content Creation » Article Writing

Experience: 2 - 5 years

I've been writing articles for years, and I've honed the skill of creating engaging and educational information. I make sure each piece engages readers from beginning to end by undertaking in-depth research and logically organizing topics. My breadth of experience across numerous businesses enables me to easily adapt to new topic matters. I combine creativity, knowledge, and accuracy when creating articles, whether it's a provocative opinion piece or a thorough guide.

Marketing » Content Creation » Creative Writing

Experience: 2 - 5 years

I have developed my skill to craft inventive and engrossing stories as a seasoned creative writer. I have a remarkable talent for creating enthralling characters, vivid locations, and intriguing plotlines. I write intriguing prose that arouses emotion and ignites the imagination with a sharp eye for detail and a love of words. My background in creative writing has enabled me to explore a wide range of genres and narrative approaches, producing one-of-a-kind and unforgettable storytelling experiences in everything from short tales to novels.

Marketing » Content Creation » Research Writing

Experience: 2 - 5 years

My experience is broad and diverse in the field of research and academic writing. I have a strong background in doing in-depth research, using reliable sources, and analyzing complicated data. I am adept at writing academic papers that are clearly organized and logical since I have a sharp eye for detail and a dedication to accuracy. I also have knowledge of several citation formats, guaranteeing conformity to academic norms. I have mastered critical thinking and the capacity to communicate complicated concepts in a clear and succinct manner as a result of my experience with academic writing.

Other Skills

Marketing » Content Creation

Experience: 1 - 2 years

I have extensive expertise creating marketing material, and I have a solid grasp of persuasive messaging and audience engagement. I'm an expert at creating captivating copy that effectively conveys brand values and connects with target audiences. I am a master at producing material that increases conversions and brand visibility, from enticing headlines to compelling call-to-actions. I am also knowledgeable about SEO techniques, so I can make sure that marketing content is optimized for search engines and reaches a larger online audience.

Marketing » Content Creation » Case Studies Writing

Experience: 2 - 5 years

My experience is wide-ranging and extensive in the field of case study writing. Numerous case studies from diverse businesses and topics have been successfully completed by me. I am skilled at locating important insights through thorough study and analysis and communicating them succinctly and persuasively. I provide a distinct viewpoint to case study writing, offering helpful and practical answers with a sharp eye for detail and an emphasis on real-world ramifications. Clients routinely express satisfaction with my ability to translate complex material into compelling narratives.

Office and Administration » Microsoft Excel

Experience: 2 - 5 years

I have developed my abilities in utilizing the full potential of Excel thanks to my considerable experience in office and management. I am skilled in performing data analysis, producing insightful reports, and creating and managing complicated spreadsheets. I am excellent at streamlining processes and boosting productivity, whether it be through efficient data organization or the use of sophisticated functions and formulas. I have a talent for optimizing procedures, enhancing data quality, and offering insightful information to aid in making well-informed decisions.

Office and Administration » Microsoft Power Point

Experience: 2 - 5 years

My expertise with PowerPoint in the office and in management includes making engaging presentations. I can create visually attractive and interesting slides because I have a firm grasp of PowerPoint's features and design options. I make sure that each presentation effectively conveys vital concepts by using multimedia components and effective information organization. I am also adept at producing succinct slide decks that support efficient delivery and successful communication. I have constantly produced excellent presentations that leave an impact because to my skills in office and administration using PowerPoint.

Marketing » Copywriting

Experience: 1 - 2 years

I have a lot of depth and a results-driven approach to my marketing copywriting experience. I can write persuasive copy because I have a thorough understanding of consumer psychology and persuasion tactics. I am excellent at capturing the soul of a brand and captivating target consumers, whether I'm writing catchy headlines or persuading product descriptions. Throughout my experience, I have consistently produced copy that enhances customer engagement, brand awareness, and conversions. I am committed to assisting brands in effectively communicating their distinctive value propositions with an emphasis on providing engaging messaging.

Coaching » Homeschool » Tutorial Teaching

Experience: 5 - 10 years

I have a lot of expertise providing efficient and interesting math tutorials because to my strong background in math and online tutoring. I excel in simplifying difficult mathematical ideas into understandable explanations for students of all skill levels. I offer personalized guidance and support, targeting specific learning needs, through engaging online sessions. Through my online math tutorials, I have a track record of assisting students in developing their math confidence, skills, and academic achievement.

Basic Information

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Legazpi, Albay
Tests Taken
Score:  141
Dominance: 41%
Influence: 10%
Steadiness: 20%
Compliance: 30%
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