
Video Editor

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Looking for full-time work (8 hours/day)

at $6.00/hour ($1,056.00/month)

Bachelors degree

Last Active

April 29th, 2024 (42 days ago)

Member Since

April 20th, 2023

Profile Description

Experienced video editing freelancer with a proven track record of producing high-quality visual content. Proficient in industry-standard software, I meticulously refine raw footage into engaging videos, employing advanced editing techniques, color correction, and seamless transitions. Committed to understanding clients' unique needs and delivering results that exceed expectations. Let's collaborate to bring your vision to the screen with professionalism and creativity.

Top Skills

Marketing » Content Creation » Video Content Creation

Experience: 1 - 2 years

My journey in content creation and video editing has been marked by a relentless pursuit of creativity and excellence. Through a seamless fusion of technical prowess and artistic vision, I've sculpted raw footage into engaging narratives that resonate with audiences. My expertise spans various genres and platforms, from educational YouTube videos to entertaining social media content. Collaborating with fellow creators, I've honed the ability to bring diverse ideas to life, crafting visuals that capture attention and spark meaningful conversations. With an innate sense of storytelling and an eye for detail, I've consistently produced content that leaves a lasting impact, contributing to the ever-evolving landscape of digital media.

Video Editing » Product Commercial Editing

Experience: 1 - 2 years

My proficiency in product commercial video editing showcases a unique blend of creativity and strategic thinking. With an acute understanding of marketing dynamics, I've meticulously crafted videos that spotlight products in the most compelling light. Through skillful arrangement of visuals, music, and messaging, I've created impactful narratives that resonate with target audiences.

Video Editing » Social Media Video Editing

Experience: 1 - 2 years

In the dynamic realm of social media, I've honed my video editing skills to craft captivating visual stories that leave a lasting impact. With a keen eye for detail and a creative flair, I've seamlessly woven together footage, graphics, and effects to produce content that not only engages but also resonates with audiences across platforms. From concise and energetic TikTok videos to polished YouTube vlogs, my expertise in video editing has allowed me to transform raw footage into polished gems that stand out in the digital landscape. Through a combination of technical prowess and artistic finesse, I've navigated the ever-evolving trends of social media, adapting my editing style to cater to diverse audiences and platforms, and leaving an indelible mark in the world of online content creation.

Other Skills

Video Editing

Experience: 1 - 2 years

I've cultivated a strong foundation in video editing that spans various mediums. Through a blend of technical expertise and creative finesse, I've transformed raw footage into compelling narratives that captivate audiences. From meticulously refining corporate videos to crafting emotionally resonant short films, my experience reflects a versatile approach to editing, adapting styles to suit different projects and genres. Collaborating closely with clients and directors, I've developed a keen understanding of translating ideas into polished realities. With each edit, I strive to evoke impactful emotions, leaving an indelible mark on every frame.

Video Editing » Film Editing

Experience: 1 - 2 years

I've cultivated a profound skill set that brings cinematic visions to life. With a meticulous approach, I've meticulously sculpted raw footage into seamless narratives, seamlessly blending scenes, sound, and effects to evoke powerful emotions. My journey includes collaborating closely with directors and producers, translating their visions into captivating realities on screen. From indie projects to larger productions, I've navigated various genres, applying a nuanced understanding of pacing, rhythm, and storytelling to each edit. My experience encompasses both technical mastery and artistic intuition, resulting in a portfolio that reflects my dedication to the craft and passion for shaping immersive cinematic experiences.

Video Editing » Motion Graphics

Experience: 1 - 2 years

My expertise in motion graphics video editing is a dynamic blend of creativity and technical finesse. Through software like Adobe After Effects, I've brought static visuals to life, infusing movement and vitality into every frame. My skillset encompasses designing captivating title sequences, dynamic transitions, and visually striking animations that enhance storytelling. Whether it's for promotional videos, presentations, or branding, I've harnessed the power of motion graphics to elevate the visual impact of projects.

Video Editing » Adobe Premiere Pro

Experience: 1 - 2 years

oficient in Adobe Premiere Pro, I wield a powerful toolset to shape raw footage into polished cinematic experiences. My familiarity with this industry-standard software allows me to seamlessly merge visuals, audio, and effects, creating compelling narratives that resonate. From precise timeline editing to color correction, I've honed skills that bring out the best in each frame. Whether for film projects or marketing campaigns, I've harnessed Premiere Pro's capabilities to craft captivating stories. With a keen eye for detail and a knack for storytelling, I consistently deliver edits that exceed expectations, showcasing my dedication to mastering this versatile platform.

Design » Graphic Design

Experience: 1 - 2 years

In my journey through graphic design, I've begun to harness the power of visual communication to convey messages with impact. Through tools like Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, I've explored the world of shapes, colors, and typography to create visually engaging designs. Although my experience is in its early stages, I've crafted logos, posters, and simple digital assets that reflect a growing understanding of design principles. I'm excited to continue evolving my skills, channeling my creativity into crafting designs that tell stories, capture attention, and leave a lasting impression.

Basic Information

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Lian, Batangas
Tests Taken
Score:  108
Dominance: 41
Influence: 13
Steadiness: 35
Compliance: 11
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“There are just so many skills that the Filipino market has that they bring to the table. It's been amazing.”

Samori Coles


“They are wonderful highly skilled people”

- Shepard Humphries "ID Proof" indicates if "they are who they say they are".

It DOES NOT indicate skill level.

ID Proof scores are 0 - 99 with 99 being the best. It is calculated based on dozens of data points.

It's intended to help employers know who they're talking to is real, and not a fake identity.

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