
Canva Graphic Designer | Social Media Content Creator

With Timeproof
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Looking for full-time work (8 hours/day)

at $5.00/hour ($880.00/month)

Associates degree

Last Active

May 22nd, 2024 (18 days ago)

Member Since

January 23rd, 2023

Profile Description

I am Canva designer. I've been designing in Canva 2+ years. I created social media posts, banners, posters, flyers, documentations, infographic designs, presentations, videos... in Canva. Also, I use Photoshop to create some of the designs.
I enUpgrade to see actual info designing and I am open to work at any kind of designing job. I like to be challenged and try new things. If you want to learn more about work you can check my portfolio.
I work fast and I am an open-minded person. I understand your needs in the project, do my research and deliver the best. I'd love to work with you on various design projects.
Call me KATHY: here to provide you the support below
For any design, you can count on me:

- TEMPLATES AND REELS FOR INSTAGRAM STORIES - I can create eye-catching and engaging templates and reels for your Instagram Stories to help you stand out on the platform.
- FACEBOOK POSTS - Whether it's for your personal profile or business page, I can design compelling and visually appealing Facebook posts that will grab the attention of your audience.
- PINTEREST PINS: TikTok is about creativity and trends. I can assist you in creating engaging TikTok posts that align with the latest trends and capture your viewers.
-PRESENTATION DESIGN TEMPLATES : I can help you craft professional and attention-grabbing LinkedIn posts that convey your message effectively and enhance your personal or business brand.
- E-BOOK DESIGN TEMPLATES: Pinterest is a visual discovery platform, and I can design attractive and optimized pins that will catch the eye of users and drive traffic to your website or blog.
-FLYERS: Whether it's for a business presentation, a school project, or a workshop, I can create visually appealing and impactful presentation design templates to help you deliver your message effectively.
- POSTERS : If you're an author or a content creator, I can design aesthetically pleasing and professional ebook templates that will enhance the reading experience and make your content more engaging.

These are just a few examples, but I can assist you with a wide range of design needs. Just let me know what you're looking for, and I'll be happy to help!

My services -
- Social Media Design
-Social Media Content Creation
-Banner Ad Design
-Social Media Imagery
-Advertising design
-LinkedIn Banner Design
-Facebook Advertising
-Instagram Carousel Design
-YouTube Thumbnail Design
-Web Banner Design
-Minimal Logo Design
-Flyer and Brochure Design

Sound Like a Qualified?
Next Step: Click the green ‘Invite to Job’ button in the top right-hand corner, send me a message, and let’s organize a meeting!


Top Skills

Marketing » Social Media Management » Instagram marketing

Experience: 1 - 2 years

Real Estate » Photo Editing

Experience: 2 - 5 years

Marketing » Classified Ads Marketing

Experience: 1 - 2 years

Design » T-Shirt Design

Experience: 1 - 2 years

Other Skills

Marketing » Email Marketing

Experience: 6 months - 1 year

Design » Thumbnail & Social Media Design

Experience: 1 - 2 years

Design » Print Design

Experience: 1 - 2 years

Marketing » Affiliate Marketing

Experience: Less than 6 months

Office and Administration » Microsoft Excel

Experience: Less than 6 months

Basic Information

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Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija
Tests Taken
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