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July 17th, 2024 (10 days ago)

Member Since

December 19th, 2022

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For Business Owners and Entrepreneurs, two things are always in short supply: time and money. Right?

This often puts entrepreneurs in a position to make some tough decisions. For example, is it worth spending money on a digital marketing expert if it frees up your time and results in an excellent social media strategy?

In some cases, that answer might be no. However, the answer is most likely Upgrade to see actual infot only does hiring a digital marketing expert free up your time, but it is a case where spending money leads to making money.

Social media is quickly becoming one of the most critical aspects of digital marketing, which provides incredible benefits that help reach millions of customers worldwide..

And if you are not applying this good source, you miss out on an excellent marketing opportunity, as it makes it easy to spread the word about your product and mission.

If you already use social media personally it's easy to assume that you can manage your business's social media content on your own, but this may demonstrate a lack of understanding of what social media marketing demands and what social media managers are doing.

Social media managers are experts at understanding this difference and aligning their marketing efforts with your larger business plan.

They gather metrics on page performance, engagement, and followers, set goals, focus on branding and brand awareness, create posting schedules, curate content that is perfectly attuned to the image and tone of your business, optimize content for search engines, design advertising campaigns, select posts to boost, run ads, interact with followers—and a whole lot more.

Just in case you're on the fence, here are seven signs it's time for you to bring a digital marketing expert on board:

1. Social Media is central to Your Marketing Strategy
Depending on the type of business you run, traditional advertising mediums may be more effective than social media. However, as demographics shift, it's becoming less common for this to be the Upgrade to see actual infostead, most businesses, both small and large, rely heavily on social media to connect with their target audiences.

The more important social media is to your marketing strategy, the more critical it is to have an expert handling related task. Because we view social media as something we use for fun, it can be challenging to take it seriously.

The idea of hiring a social media expert might seem strange, but they're the experts in this area. 

2. You are not exactly a Social Media Savvy
• Do you ever see things on social media and wonder what they are?
• Do hashtags confuse you?
• Do younger members of the family think you're embarrassing based on your social media use?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you're probably not the savviest social media user.

That's okay — many people aren't.

But if you plan to manage your business's social media, this may prove to be a more significant issue.

Social media marketing should come across organically. Posts must hit all the right points without coming off as though they've been planned to, and embarrassing mistakes must be avoided.

Digital marketing experts know how to accomplish this, whereas casual users can fumble.

3. The variety of Social Media Platforms overwhelms you
Do you feel like there are new social media platforms all the time? Well, you aren't wrong. While Facebook and YouTube remain at the top of the pack, Instagram gives them a run for their money, and other newer platforms are steadily rising. Tiktok, anyone?

Which platforms do you need business pages on? Which should you be managing, and which are unnecessary? That will depend on many factors, including the demographics you're targeting. How do you use each of them?

Best practices vary by platform, so Facebook marketing and Instagram marketing, for example, are two different beasts.

If you feel overwhelmed just thinking about this or struggle to understand social media platforms, it may be best to hand these tasks off to someone who can swim when you tend to sink. 

4. You don’t have all the right tools
If you have a computer, phone, or tablet, what else do you need? Believe it or not, there are many more tools you can use to manage social media accounts.

Let's start with Instagram. To be successful on this platform, you'll need tools that gather metrics, tell you who's engaging with you, which posts get the most engagement, and reveal where things are going wrong.

You'll need tools that specifically focus on hashtags since they're central to this platform, as well as tools that can schedule posts and identify trends. This list doesn't even mention things like cameras, editing, and design software.

All of the above applies to one single platform. As you can see, being effective in social media marketing requires significant Upgrade to see actual info's almost always cheaper and more time-efficient to hire someone who already has the tools than to acquire them yourself.

5. Writing isn’t your forte
Writing social media posts can be challenging. They need to be light and friendly yet authoritative, and the voice used needs to remain consistent across posts and platforms. Also, since you don't want to post identical content to all platforms, rewriting, and revision skills are critical.

If you don't consider writing to be your major strength, seek a digital marketing expert who is experienced at creating content creation.

6. You are so busy and don’t have enough time
Running a business is a time-intensive endeavor. Even if your business is small, it requires numerous tasks every day to remain up and running. Dividing your time between those vital tasks and social media management may be asking too much of yourself.

When social media marketing is done correctly, it's essentially a full-time job. Every day starts with looking at metrics and research related to social media trends within your Upgrade to see actual infoom there, posts are made.

On Facebook alone, businesses should share posts almost every day, not including live Facebook ads. Since visual content performs better than text, time is also needed to create and format visuals that accompany each post.

Every platform your business has a profile on increases the social media Upgrade to see actual infostagram's best practices mention posting up to three times per day, and Twitter says the same. On YouTube, it's suggested to post a video about once a week. This is an intense schedule, especially when placed on top of all the other tasks related to owning a business.

7. Engagement on your pages is low
Ultimately, results are what matter most. You may be social media savvy, adept at various platforms, own the right tools, excel at writing, and have more time than you know what to do with—but if your pages aren't seeing the proper levels of engagement, you aren't getting the results you need to be successful at social media marketing.

Engagement levels are considered dangerously low if they slip below 10 percent.

At this point, something is wrong, despite your best efforts. Rather than struggling with this and stressing over it, it may be time to hand it over to a digital marketing expert.

Using their skills and proven strategies, they can boost engagement levels and achieve the results you're aiming for.

Hiring a social media manager or a digital marketing expert can provide long-term success for your growing small business. Having a professional in this area will do more than guarantee an active social media presence; it will improve customer service, perfect branding, increase sales, and much more. HIRE ME! Let's CONNECT. 

Top Skills

Office and Administration » Microsoft Excel

Office and Administration » Data Entry

Office and Administration » Email Management

Other Skills

Human Resources

Office and Administration » Transcription

Office and Administration » Travel Planning

Office and Administration » Personal Assistant

Marketing » Content Creation » Blogging

Marketing » Content Creation » Creative Writing

Marketing » Content Creation » eBook Writing

Marketing » Content Creation » Proofreading

Marketing » Content Creation » Microblog Content Writing

Real Estate » Appointment Setting

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Tests Taken
Score:  106
Dominance: 26
Influence: 27
Steadiness: 25
Compliance: 26
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