Current Employment Status:
Hired Part Time on Sep 25, 2023


Digital Marketing Expert/ Artist/ Entrepreneur/ Coach

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Looking for full-time work (8 hours/day)

at $6.00/hour ($1,056.00/month)

Master's Degree

Last Active

May 9th, 2024 (23 days ago)

Member Since

August 30th, 2022

Profile Description

I help businesses and companies in generating sales and enhancing their revenue through my highly effective Target Magnet Digital Marketing Strategy. With a strong focus and diverse skill set, I am a proficient Digital Marketing Specialist experienced in implementing strategies for business growth.

My mission is to aid clients in resolving their business challenges by crafting optimal strategies using my effective skills and talents. As an entrepreneur with multiple businesses, I understand the challenges of attaining sales and effective marketing, especially for traditional business owners who rely on conventional sales and marketing methods. Through this understanding, I have initiated efforts to help business owners generate increased sales by harnessing the potential of online automation and AI tools. Furthermore, I provide coaching services to guide them in adopting technology to facilitate business growth.

For a one-on-one interview regarding your business challenges, strategies, or consultations, please contact me at: 
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I will also provide my portfolio showcasing my background and sample works. Let's start working on your project!

Top Skills

Marketing » Copywriting

Experience: 1 - 2 years

Crafting captivating messages tailored for target customers, I employ engaging language that captures their attention and resonates with their needs.

Design » Graphic Design

Experience: 1 - 2 years

Crafting captivating posters, banners, logos, and tailored designs, I specialize in creating promotional materials that elevate your online business presence. Leveraging Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Canva, I ensure your marketing efforts stand out and captivate your audience effectively.

Marketing » Social Media Management » Social Media Marketing

Experience: 1 - 2 years

I leverage social media platforms such as Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, email, and Google to effectively promote businesses, products, and services. Through running ads and promotions, I aim to reach a broader and higher-quality audience, thereby generating a surge of inquiries.

Other Skills

Marketing » Content Creation

Experience: 6 months - 1 year

I specialize in content creation for various purposes, including marketing businesses, entertainment, and vlogs, all aimed at enhancing brand awareness and engagement.

Design » Web Design & Page Layout

Experience: 1 - 2 years

I specialize in crafting captivating web designs that enhance the credibility of your business/company. I ensure your website showcases products, services, company profile, and forms effectively, delivering an engaging and comprehensive online presence.

Video Editing

Experience: 1 - 2 years

Producing compelling videos enriched with special effects, I specialize in creating content that persuades and captivates viewers. Utilizing Adobe Premiere Pro and Capcut, I ensure your videos are not only convincing but also attention-grabbing, thereby engaging customers effectively.

Customer Support » Chat Support

Experience: 1 - 2 years

I specialize in customizing chat automation to automatically address inquiries about the specific products and services you offer, even when you're unavailable to respond in real-time.

Marketing » Email Marketing

Experience: 1 - 2 years

I specialize in effective email marketing strategies, utilizing targeted campaigns to engage and convert your audience.

Marketing » Affiliate Marketing

Experience: 1 - 2 years

I specialize in affiliate marketing, utilizing strategic partnerships to promote and sell products or services and earn commissions based on successful referrals.

Marketing » Marketing Analytics » Meta Pixel

Experience: 1 - 2 years

I specialize in setting up meta Facebook Pixel conversion, ensuring accurate tracking and optimization for your online campaigns.


Experience: 1 - 2 years

I specialize in crafting SEO-optimized content that enhances online visibility and boosts search engine rankings.

Professional Services » Management Services » Business Management

Experience: 1 - 2 years

As an entrepreneur, I've established a seamless operational framework through accurate costing, online transactions, vigilant sales monitoring, and exceptional customer service. Committed to quality, I'm both BIR and DTI registered, offering enticing discounts and maintaining product excellence. Employing a dynamic mix of organic and paid marketing with captivating visuals, I excel in employee management, sales, and marketing. Embracing training, effective systems, and risk management, I emphasize negotiation and partnerships for holistic success.


Experience: 1 - 2 years

I specialize in coaching business owners on leveraging the power of digital marketing, enriched by my effective skills and AI-driven strategies, to foster online business growth.

Real Estate » Commercial Real Estate

Experience: 1 - 2 years

I specialize in leasing vacation homes, apartments, and condo units, while also offering property investment opportunities in the Philippines with significant potential for future market growth.

Customer Support » Ecommerce » Shopify

Experience: 1 - 2 years

I specialize in creating and setting up Shopify stores, providing you with a comprehensive e-commerce platform to showcase and sell your products.

Basic Information

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Tests Taken
Score:  126
Dominance: 34
Influence: 36
Steadiness: 10
Compliance: 20
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