Current Employment Status:
Hired Full Time on Sep 20, 2022


Virtual Assistant/Customer Service

With Timeproof
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Looking for full-time work (8 hours/day)

at $9.00/hour ($1,584.00/month)

Bachelors degree

Last Active

June 9th, 2024 (7 days ago)

Member Since

August 19th, 2022

Profile Description

I have a wealth of experience in the BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) industry, having worked in various roles over the span of 15 years. My journey from an outbound sales agent to a Supervisor and then transitioning to roles in virtual assistance and travel coordination demonstrates a versatile skill set and adaptability.
My background showcases a strong foundation in sales, customer service, management and leadership, which are valuable skills in various industries. My time as an outbound sales agent likely equipped me with persuasive communication and negotiation abilities, while my experience as an inbound customer agent and escalation specialist honed my problem-solving and conflict-resolution skills.
As a Supervisor, I developed leadership and team management skills, which are transferable to many other fields. My venture into virtual assistance allowed me to broaden my skill set even further by delving into email customer support and travel coordination, showcasing my adaptability to different tasks and responsibilities.
Given my extensive experience and the diverse roles I've held, I want to explore opportunities beyond the BPO industry as well. My skills in sales, customer service, and management are applicable in various sectors, such as hospitality, e-commerce, and consulting. My experience as a travel assistant coordinator could also be valuable in travel-related roles within the tourism industry.
As I continue my career journey, I remember to stay updated on industry trends and consider upskilling or taking courses to enhance my expertise in areas that interest me. With my rich background, I have a strong foundation to explore new opportunities and excel in a variety of professional paths.

Top Skills

E-Commerce » Inventory Management » Quality Control

Real Estate » Appointment Setting

Office and Administration » Email Management

Other Skills

Office and Administration » Microsoft Excel

Office and Administration » Data Entry

Basic Information

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Baguio City, Benguet
Tests Taken
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“It definitely helped transform my business and take a significant load off for me.”

Samori Coles


“I was able to make a better decision...”

- Tatiana Davis "ID Proof" indicates if "they are who they say they are".

It DOES NOT indicate skill level.

ID Proof scores are 0 - 99 with 99 being the best. It is calculated based on dozens of data points.

It's intended to help employers know who they're talking to is real, and not a fake identity.

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