Current Employment Status:
Hired Part Time on Dec 12, 2023


Senior Digital Marketer

With Timeproof
mark as hired


Looking for full-time work (8 hours/day)

at $14.00/hour ($2,464.00/month)

Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Engineering

Last Active

May 30th, 2024 (3 days ago)

Member Since

February 12th, 2022

Profile Description

Hello there! I have 4 years of experience as a Virtual Assistant. In those years... You know what? Who cares? 

You're not here to hear me yap about what I did for this client or that client. It's all in my resume, right? 

You're here to know if I am the right fit for YOU. 

Sure, seeing some of my achievements is good. But let's just get straight to the point. 

Here's what YOU'll get if you hire me:

-You'll get a copywriter that can improve your ad's performance. Thanks to competitor research and the courses and experience I got... I mean, if you're still reading this, then we can agree that my copywriting is decent right? 

-Experience working with a handsome media buyer who has proven experience in a wide variety of industries. Can also setup and run ads on multiple platforms. If you're more into Meta ads, then you're in luck! As that's the platform I have the most experience in.

-You'll get a team player who is always seeking ways to reduce YOUR workload and other colleagues' workload. How? By creating efficient workflow systems and automating task creation and delegation with softwares such as notion and zapier.

-You'll work with a partner who have ACTUAL experience in running a business. It's okay, I know your struggle. I can help you grow your business outside of marketing by giving my insights. But please, limit my tasks to what we agreed on the contract :<

-And the best part of all, you'll get a partner who actually talks to you like a normal human. Other VA's are just so stuck up that it's like they're robots. I mean, it's WAY better to be friends with your boss, right?

But if you're just here to see some notable things about my experience as a marketer, here you go:

-Handled more than $2,600,000 life time ad budget spend

-Highest monthly budget handled is $172,500/mo 

-Highest ROAS achieved is 7.03 (for Ecommerce) and 9.62 (for lead gen)

-Highest Revenue generated for a client is $380,000 in the span of 6 months.

-Highest amount of clients handled as a Project Manager in an agency is up to 30.

I hope that the things I listed above can help you dUpgrade to see actual info. It's just the tip.
I'm letting you know now that I'm not just some cheap VA. You're hiring me to generate positive ROI on your business. And I've helped businesses basically 10x their ROI with my marketing services. 
If you want to learn more, you can reach me at: <8efe80624d780eba0c6493ec45140364>Email: Upgrade to see actual info<8efe80624d780eba0c6493ec45140364>Skype:Upgrade to see actual infoUpgrade to see actual info
Whatsapp: Upgrade to see actual info

You can view my other documents here:
CV: Upgrade to see actual info/Upgrade to see actual infosCV2024For 
Portfolio: Upgrade to see actual

Have a great day!

Top Skills

Marketing » Copywriting

Experience: 2 - 5 years

I mainly copywrite for Facebook Ads Headline, always searching up high converting scripts in order to increase conversions and overall sales and always adapting to my client's wants.

Advertising » Facebook Ads

Experience: 2 - 5 years

My campaigns objectives are usually "Get Messages" and "Leads" as the businesses I've worked prefers that. 10-40 customers message daily and has the lowest cost per message at about 0.2 USD/message. For website leads link clicks its about 0.22USD/leads and up to 5-20 customer website visits.

Marketing » Media Buying

Experience: 2 - 5 years

Other Skills

Marketing » Social Media Management » Facebook marketing

Experience: 2 - 5 years

My campaigns creatives and success is highly dependent on what products or services that my client is selling. But I do my best to create the most aesthetic and high converting creatives and copywriting in order to reach the lowest cost per message and the lowest cost per link click. I made creatives for Physical Products (Dropshipping store), Digital Services(SEO Optimization), Digital Products(E-books), and even physical stores(Veterinary Clinic).

Design » Graphic Design

Experience: 2 - 5 years

I use Canva in my Graphic design as usually I'm tasked with creating creatives for Facebook Campaigns. Other than that, I can create logos, cover photos, and more.

Customer Support » Social Media Moderation

Experience: 2 - 5 years

I ran multiple businesses and their social media, from my own to my clients. I have worked with Big Media and some youtubers. I have increased their followings by the thousands and their engagement ultimately leading to increased sales. Together with my facebook ads management skills and creatives, I can garner a good audience for my client's needs. I mainly focus on facebook more than instagram, tiktok and twitter as my first few clients are Filipinos (Most Filipinos spend their time on Facebook while Americans are at tiktok and instagram).

Office and Administration » Microsoft Excel

Experience: 5 - 10 years

I am familiar in Word, Excel and Powerpoint since highschool. I mainly use excel for bookkeeping in order to have a monthly report for my client's business and my own business.

Marketing » Content Creation » Proofreading

Experience: 5 - 10 years

I may not be that fluent in spoken English in terms of accent, but I can assure you that my written English is top notch. As English is my second language, writing emails, texts, messages is no big deal and I assure you that you'll rarely see spelling or grammatical mistakes.

Human Resources

Experience: 1 - 2 years

I have developed my skill in human resources due to it being required for my Airbnb Business. I've hired people and I'm managing them by keeping open communications resulting in open minded conversations allowing me to improve my business overall with their feedback.

Design » Web Design & Page Layout

Experience: Less than 6 months

I designed beautiful and professional looking websites for a dropshipping store and an E-book landing page using Shopify. I can also use Wix and Ecwid.

Video Editing

Experience: 2 - 5 years

I use Adobe Premiere Pro and Canva for my Video Editing. I learned this as I was interested in Youtube and Content Creation back then. Now, I mainly use this skill in my campaigns for both my clients pages and my business.

Customer Support

Experience: 2 - 5 years

I developed this skill due to my own airbnb business. But the real asset here is that together with my sales and persuasion skills, I can convert a grumpy customer into a repeat buyer after I fix their current problem. Therefore, more sales to my business and hopefully yours too

Office and Administration » Transcription

Experience: 1 - 2 years

I usually transcript more for my own videos in youtube. Although I've stopped creating youtube videos, I believe I can use this skill in other ways.

Office and Administration » Translation

Experience: 5 - 10 years

I can translate Filipino into English and Vice Versa fluently. But I am capable of translating songs from different languages into English with Rhyme.

Basic Information

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Angono, Rizal
Tests Taken
Score:  125
Dominance: 50
Influence: 1
Steadiness: 8
Compliance: 41
Uploaded ID
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“I had this VA that I could turn things over to made it a lot easier”

Kyle Mckenna


“They are definitely a valuable part of your business for all kinds of reasons.”

- Steven Rapposelli "ID Proof" indicates if "they are who they say they are".

It DOES NOT indicate skill level.

ID Proof scores are 0 - 99 with 99 being the best. It is calculated based on dozens of data points.

It's intended to help employers know who they're talking to is real, and not a fake identity.

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