Current Employment Status:
Hired Part Time on Dec 30, 2023


Bookkeeper |Executive Assistant | Social Media Manager

With Timeproof
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Looking for part-time work (4 hours/day)

at $13.00/hour ($1,144.00/month)

Bachelors degree

Last Active

May 23rd, 2024 (24 days ago)

Member Since

February 10th, 2022

Profile Description

Hello! I'm Anj, an experienced Executive Virtual Assistant and Bookkeeper with a diverse range of skills. With a strong background in both areas, I offer comprehensive support to businesses seeking efficient management and financial expertise.
As an Executive Virtual Assistant, I specialize in streamlining operations and enhancing client communication. My key areas of expertise include:
? Email Management and Client Communication: I excel in handling email correspondence, ensuring prompt and professional responses to client inquiries.
? Landing Page Creation (ClickFunnels): I have hands-on experience in creating engaging and effective landing pages using ClickFunnels to drive conversions and generate leads.
? Research and Administration: I am skilled in conducting in-depth research and providing valuable insights to support strategic decision-making. Additionally, I have a keen eye for detail and excel in administrative tasks.
? Podcast Management: From guest coordination to basic editing and show notes creation, I offer end-to-end podcast management services to help you reach a wider audience and enhance your brand.
? Basic Graphic Creation (Canva): I possess graphic design skills and can create eye-catching visuals using Canva, ensuring consistency with your brand identity.
? Website Maintenance and Updating: I am proficient in managing and updating websites on platforms like Squarespace and WordPress, ensuring your online presence is always up to date.
? Social Media Management: I have expertise in managing social media accounts on platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter, helping you build a strong online presence and engage with your target audience effectively.
As a Bookkeeper, I bring meticulous attention to detail and extensive financial knowledge to ensure accurate and efficient financial management. Here are the skills I offer in this domain:
? Inventory and Accounts Receivable Management: I can handle inventory tracking and efficiently manage accounts receivable, ensuring timely payments and minimizing outstanding balances.
? Bank Reconciliation: I am experienced in reconciling financial records with bank statements, identifying discrepancies, and ensuring accurate financial reporting.
? Inventory Audit: I can conduct thorough inventory audits, identifying discrepancies and maintaining accurate stock records.
? Aging of Receivables: I excel in monitoring and managing aging receivables, ensuring timely collection and reducing delinquencies.
? Accounts Payable: I am proficient in managing accounts payable processes, including invoice processing, vendor communication, and payment scheduling.
? Taxation: I possess a strong understanding of tax regulations and can assist in preparing tax documents and ensuring compliance with relevant tax laws.
? Accounting Software: I am well-versed in popular accounting software such as QuickBooks, SAGE, and Xero, enabling efficient bookkeeping and financial management.
? Financial Report Creation and Reporting: I can generate comprehensive financial reports, providing you with valuable insights into your business's financial health and performance.
? Accounting Books Cleanup: I can help you organize and clean up your accounting books, ensuring accuracy and making it easier for you to manage your finances effectively.
I am dedicated to providing top-notch support, ensuring your business runs smoothly and your financial records are accurate. If you're looking for a reliable and skilled professional, I'm here to assist you. Let's work together to achieve your goals!

Top Skills

Office and Administration » Translation

Customer Support » Phone Support » English Speaking

Experience: Less than 6 months

Other Skills


Accounting » Bookkeeping

Professional Services » Management Services » Inventory Management

Office and Administration » Email Management

Experience: Less than 6 months

Real Estate » Appointment Setting

Customer Support » Email Support

Customer Support » Social Media Moderation

Office and Administration » Microsoft Excel

Office and Administration » Data Entry

Accounting » Tax Preparation

Basic Information

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Makati City, Metro Manila
Tests Taken
Score:  105
Dominance: 51
Influence: 7
Steadiness: 17
Compliance: 24
Uploaded ID
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“My Filipino specialist who is absolutely amazing..go get your OFS today!”

Eden Einav


“This will change your business!”

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It DOES NOT indicate skill level.

ID Proof scores are 0 - 99 with 99 being the best. It is calculated based on dozens of data points.

It's intended to help employers know who they're talking to is real, and not a fake identity.

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