
Super Star All-Around Virtual Assistant

With Timeproof
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Looking for full-time work (8 hours/day)

at $5.00/hour ($880.00/month)

Bachelors degree

Last Active

June 5th, 2024 (11 days ago)

Member Since

April 15th, 2015

Profile Description

I'm an all around VA that investest my time in learning many skills that I can use in working online to handle works efficiently. For all the years that I worked, I mastered many jobs niche such as Shopify Administrator, On and Off page SEO, Credit Card Fixing, Online Personal Assisting, Social Media Management and many more. Graphic designing, Photo manipulating using Photoshop are also some of my expertise. I am available full-time and can handle the workload well.  I can handle situations calmly and I work independently, figure things out whenever possible. I want a long-term, stable job where I can help you build your business using my full potential.

Top Skills

E-Commerce » Shopify

Experience: 2 - 5 years

As a Shopify data entry, front-end editor, and navigation setting specialist, my main responsibility is to ensure that the online store's content and layout are accurately presented and optimized for a seamless user experience. Here is a brief description of the key aspects of my job: Data Entry: I am responsible for inputting product information, including titles, descriptions, prices, images, and variants, into the Shopify platform. This requires attention to detail and adherence to established guidelines to ensure accurate and consistent product data across the store. Front-End Editing: I work with the Shopify theme and utilize its customization features to modify and enhance the visual appearance of the online store. This includes adjusting colors, fonts, layouts, and imagery to align with the brand's identity and create an attractive and user-friendly interface. Navigation Setting: I configure and optimize the navigation menus and categories within the online store to ensure easy and intuitive browsing for customers. This involves organizing products into relevant collections, creating dropdown menus, and setting up filters and sorting options for efficient product discovery. Content Management: I manage and update the content displayed on the store's pages, such as the homepage, product pages, and informational sections. This includes uploading banners, creating engaging product descriptions, adding customer reviews, and integrating social media feeds to enhance the overall shopping experience. Quality Assurance: I conduct regular checks to ensure the accuracy and consistency of product information, troubleshoot any display or formatting issues, and fix broken links or errors. I also perform cross-browser and cross-device testing to ensure optimal performance and responsiveness across different platforms. Collaboration: I may work closely with graphic designers, marketing teams, and other stakeholders to align the website's visual elements and content with promotional campaigns, seasonal updates, or new product launches. Overall, my role as a Shopify data entry, front-end editor, and navigation setting specialist is crucial in creating a visually appealing and user-friendly online shopping experience, optimizing product presentation, and maintaining accurate and consistent data throughout the store.

Customer Support » Sales Support » Credit Repair

Experience: 2 - 5 years

As a credit repair specialist, my primary role is to assist individuals in improving their credit scores and overall financial health. I work closely with clients who are facing credit challenges due to late payments, high debt levels, errors on their credit reports, or other negative factors that impact their creditworthiness. My job involves analyzing credit reports, identifying inaccurate or outdated information, and working to dispute and remove such items from the reports. I collaborate with credit bureaus, creditors, and collection agencies to rectify errors, negotiate payment plans, and settle outstanding debts, all with the aim of helping clients rebuild their credit profiles. Additionally, I provide guidance and educate clients on responsible financial habits, budgeting, and strategies for maintaining good credit in the long run. I may also offer personalized recommendations tailored to individual situations to help clients establish new lines of credit, manage existing accounts effectively, and improve their overall financial well-being. Overall, my role as a credit repair specialist involves navigating the complex world of credit reporting, providing personalized solutions, and empowering individuals to regain control over their financial futures.

Office and Administration » Personal Assistant

Experience: 2 - 5 years

As a General Virtual Assistant (VA), my role is to provide administrative and support services remotely to individuals or businesses. I assist with various tasks and responsibilities to help streamline operations and increase productivity. Here is a description of the key responsibilities and skills associated with being a General VA: 1. Administrative Support: I offer administrative assistance, such as managing emails, scheduling appointments, organizing calendars, and handling travel arrangements. I can also assist with data entry, file organization, and preparing reports or presentations. 2. Communication and Correspondence: I handle communication on behalf of clients, including answering phone calls, responding to emails, and managing inquiries. I can draft and proofread documents, write professional emails or letters, and ensure timely and effective communication with stakeholders. 3. Research and Data Gathering: I conduct research on various topics, gather information, and compile data for reports or presentations. I have the ability to navigate online resources, collect relevant information, and present findings in an organized and concise manner. 4. Project Management Support: I assist with project management tasks, including creating and maintaining project schedules, coordinating with team members, tracking progress, and ensuring deadlines are met. I can also help with task delegation, follow-ups, and documentation. 5. Social Media and Content Management: I can manage social media accounts by creating and scheduling posts, monitoring engagement, and responding to comments or messages. I may also assist with content creation, editing, and proofreading for blog posts, articles, or marketing materials. 6. Customer Support: I provide customer support by answering inquiries, addressing concerns or complaints, and offering assistance. I can manage customer support emails, live chat, or phone calls, ensuring a positive and professional interaction with customers. 7. Online Presence Management: I help clients maintain their online presence by updating website content, managing online directories or listings, and assisting with basic website maintenance. I may also optimize online profiles and assist with basic search engine optimization (SEO) tasks. 8. Organization and Time Management: I assist in organizing and prioritizing tasks, setting reminders, and managing calendars to ensure efficient workflow and effective time management. I may also help streamline processes, create standard operating procedures, and implement productivity tools. 9. Adaptability and Learning: I am adaptable and able to quickly learn new tools, systems, or software relevant to the client's needs. I stay updated with industry trends, best practices, and new technologies to provide the most effective support. As a General VA, my aim is to provide reliable, efficient, and professional support, allowing clients to focus on core tasks and achieve their goals. I bring a diverse skill set and a proactive approach to effectively handle various administrative and support functions remotely.

Other Skills

Design » Graphic Design

Experience: 1 - 2 years

As a mid-tier graphic designer, my role involves creating visually appealing and effective designs for various mediums and projects using industry-standard design software like Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, as well as web-based design platforms like Canva. Here is an updated description of the key responsibilities and skills associated with this role: 1. Design Creation: I develop creative concepts and designs for a range of projects using design software such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, as well as web-based platforms like Canva. I leverage these tools to create visually captivating designs that effectively communicate messages and align with brand aesthetics. 2. Visual Branding: I work with brand guidelines to ensure consistency in visual identity across different materials. I apply design principles such as typography, color theory, and layout composition to create cohesive and impactful designs that effectively represent the brand's values and message. 3. Collaboration: I collaborate with clients, creative teams, or stakeholders to understand project requirements and objectives. I actively participate in brainstorming sessions, provide design recommendations, and incorporate feedback to refine and enhance designs. 4. Graphic Production: I prepare designs for production by ensuring proper file formats, resolutions, and specifications for print or digital platforms. I work closely with printers or developers to ensure the accurate execution of designs and maintain quality throughout the production process. 5. Visual Content Creation: I create engaging visual content, including infographics, illustrations, icons, and other graphical elements that support marketing or informational materials. I utilize platforms like Canva to design and customize graphics, leveraging its extensive library of templates, images, and typography options. 6. Time Management: I manage multiple projects simultaneously, prioritize tasks, and meet deadlines in a fast-paced environment. I am efficient in organizing files, maintaining version control, and staying organized throughout the design process. 7. Industry Trends: I stay up to date with current design trends, emerging technologies, and best practices in graphic design. I seek continuous learning opportunities to expand my skillset and bring innovative ideas to the projects I work on. 8. Attention to Detail: I pay close attention to detail in all aspects of design, including layout, typography, color accuracy, and image selection. I thoroughly review and proofread designs to ensure accuracy and minimize errors before finalizing and delivering them. 9. Adaptability and Flexibility: I am adaptable and can work with various design styles, brand aesthetics, and project requirements. I am open to feedback and willing to make revisions or adjustments based on client or team preferences. Overall, as a mid-tier graphic designer, I bring creativity, technical skills, and a good understanding of design principles to create visually appealing and effective designs. I leverage industry-standard software like Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, as well as web-based design platforms like Canva, to deliver high-quality design solutions that meet project objectives and align with brand aesthetics.

Office and Administration » Data Entry

Experience: Less than 6 months

As a data entry specialist, my primary responsibility is to accurately and efficiently enter data into various systems or databases. Here is a description of my key duties and responsibilities: 1. Data Collection: I collect data from various sources, such as physical documents, spreadsheets, online forms, or databases. This may involve reviewing and organizing paper-based records or extracting information from digital files. 2. Data Entry: I input the collected data into designated systems or databases using appropriate software or tools. This includes accurately typing alphanumeric information, such as names, addresses, numbers, or other relevant details. 3. Accuracy and Attention to Detail: I pay meticulous attention to detail to ensure that the data entered is accurate and error-free. I verify information for completeness, consistency, and correctness, and make necessary corrections or validations as required. 4. Data Formatting and Organization: I format and organize data in a logical and standardized manner to ensure consistency and ease of retrieval. This may involve categorizing data, applying appropriate labels or tags, and structuring information based on predefined guidelines or templates. 5. Data Verification and Quality Assurance: I perform data verification processes to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the entered data. This may involve cross-referencing information, conducting data validation checks, or reconciling data against source documents or systems. 6. Data Security and Confidentiality: I handle sensitive or confidential information with utmost care and maintain strict data security protocols. I adhere to privacy regulations and follow established guidelines to protect the confidentiality and integrity of the data being entered. 7. Timeliness and Efficiency: I prioritize tasks and manage workloads effectively to meet deadlines and maintain productivity. I aim to complete data entry tasks within specified timeframes while ensuring accuracy and quality. 8. Documentation and Reporting: I maintain accurate records of data entry activities, including tracking progress, documenting any issues or challenges encountered, and generating reports or summaries as required. 9. Collaboration: I may collaborate with other team members or departments to obtain or clarify data, seek guidance on specific tasks, or share insights on data quality or process improvements. Overall, as a data entry specialist, I play a crucial role in ensuring the accurate and efficient input of data, maintaining data integrity, and supporting the organization's data management objectives.

Marketing » Social Media Management » Social Media Marketing

Experience: 1 - 2 years

As a social media manager, my role is to oversee and execute the social media strategy for a company or brand. I am responsible for creating and curating engaging content, managing social media platforms, and driving audience growth and engagement. Here's a description of my key responsibilities: 1. Strategy Development: I collaborate with the marketing team to develop a comprehensive social media strategy aligned with the company's goals and target audience. This involves identifying the most relevant social media platforms for the brand and establishing key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of the social media efforts. 2. Content Creation and Curation: I create compelling and shareable content that resonates with the target audience. This includes writing and editing engaging posts, creating visually appealing graphics or videos, and curating relevant content from industry sources. I ensure that the content adheres to the brand's voice, style, and messaging guidelines. 3. Platform Management: I manage and maintain the company's presence on various social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and others. This includes optimizing profiles, scheduling and publishing posts, monitoring comments and messages, and engaging with followers and customers in a timely and professional manner. 4. Audience Engagement: I actively engage with the audience by responding to comments, messages, and mentions. I foster conversations, address inquiries or concerns, and encourage user-generated content or reviews. I also implement strategies to encourage audience participation, such as contests, polls, or user-generated content campaigns. 5. Analytics and Reporting: I utilize social media analytics tools to track the performance of social media campaigns and initiatives. I analyze data to measure key metrics like reach, engagement, conversions, and audience demographics. I use these insights to refine strategies, optimize content, and report on the effectiveness of social media efforts to stakeholders. 6. Trend Monitoring: I stay updated on the latest social media trends, platform updates, and industry best practices. I identify new opportunities or emerging platforms that can benefit the brand's social media presence and propose innovative ideas to improve engagement and reach. 7. Collaboration: I collaborate with cross-functional teams, including marketing, PR, and creative departments, to ensure social media efforts are aligned with broader marketing campaigns and brand messaging. I may also collaborate with influencers, partners, or brand ambassadors to amplify the brand's reach and engagement. Overall, my role as a social media manager involves creating and executing a cohesive social media strategy, managing platforms, engaging with the audience, analyzing performance, and staying current with trends. By effectively leveraging social media platforms, I help the brand build and maintain a strong online presence, enhance brand awareness, foster customer relationships, and drive business growth.

Basic Information

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Tests Taken
Score:  124
Dominance: 15
Influence: 18
Steadiness: 31
Compliance: 36
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