
Graphic Design

With Timeproof
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Looking for full-time work (8 hours/day)

at $12.00/hour ($2,112.00/month)

Bachelors degree

Last Active

June 11th, 2024 (5 days ago)

Member Since

September 17th, 2021

Profile Description

As a Graphic Designer, I am passionate about transforming ideas into visually compelling realities. Through a meticulous blend of creativity, technical skills, and strategic thinking, I craft designs that effectively communicate messages and captivate audiences.

I start by thoroughly understanding the client's objectives, target audience, and brand identity. This enables me to develop a comprehensive design strategy that aligns with their Upgrade to see actual infoom there, I dive into the creative process, meticulously selecting typography, color palettes, and imagery that harmoniously convey the intended message.

Utilizing industry-standard software and tools (such as Adobe Suits and Canva), I bring the designs to life across various mediums, including print materials, digital platforms, and social media. Whether it's creating captivating logos, eye-catching branding materials, or intuitive user interfaces, I pay meticulous attention to detail to ensure a seamless and visually pleasing experience.

Moreover, I constantly stay abreast of emerging design trends and techniques, allowing me to infuse fresh and innovative ideas into my work. I am committed to delivering designs that not only leave a lasting impression but also achieve tangible results for my clients.

Overall, my goal as a graphic designer is to create designs that not only meet the needs of my clients but exceed their expectations. I believe in the power of visual communication and strive to produce designs that resonate with audiences, evoke emotions, and inspire action.

Top Skills

Design » Graphic Design

Experience: 5 - 10 years

I bring the designs to life across various mediums, including print materials, digital platforms, and social media. Whether it's creating captivating logos, eye-catching branding materials and collaterals, or intuitive user interfaces. I also make sure to consider client suggestions and feedback and collaborate better to produce the expected results.

Office and Administration » Google Slides

Experience: 5 - 10 years

I do presentations used for pitch deck, internal company updates and any corporate presentation needs for my client. I use either Google Slides, MS Powerpoint and Canva to achieve the desired presentation result.

Other Skills

Marketing » Social Media Management

Experience: 5 - 10 years

I am adept in Social Media content creation, posting and management. I utilize graphic design tools such as Adobe and Canva to create expected results. I also use management tools such as Trello, Asana, Notion and Google Suites to make sure my Social Media postings are on time, and up to date. This helps me better orginize all postings made.

Basic Information

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Metro Manila, N/A
Tests Taken
Score:  127
Dominance: 42
Influence: 43
Steadiness: 10
Compliance: 5
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