
Marketing & Sales Executive/PR/Writer/HR/EA/Customer Service

With Timeproof
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Looking for full-time work (12 hours/day)

at $20.00/hour ($5,280.00/month)

Bachelors degree

Last Active

June 4th, 2024 (13 days ago)

Member Since

August 25th, 2014

Profile Description

My name is Upgrade to see actual info Upgrade to see actual info, an all around gal who can help you in Marketing & PR, HR - have higher employment retention rate, and will make sure that you're seen in Forbes weekly for FREE!

I currently work as an HR and PR manager for a skincare company and a wholesale manager for a coffee company. I worked as a sales executive, marketing manager, affiliate manager to a fashion/fitness/makeup brand, article and content writer, influencer coordinator, Quickbooks specialist, Customer Service trainer, Facebook page manager, sales and technical representative, employee management, recruiter, beauty advisor, and an executive assistant at UpWork.

I worked as a Technical and Customer Support Representative for years. I worked for companies like SBC, Bellsouth, and Intercontinental Hotels Group. I also managed our family business, and because of that, I'm good at selling and business analysis. When available, I also teach English to Japanese and Korean clients as a freelancer. 

For over a year, I worked as a Facebook page manager, WordPress plugin Customer Service head, and executive assistant all-in-one at SmartMediaPro. For two years, I worked as a virtual assistant, lead generator, and wholesale representative to the CEO of iDrinkCoffee in Ontario, Canada. Eventually, I worked for him as his Quickbooks accounting clerk and content writer. 

For a year, I also became a Sales Executive and PR manager at Fernberry, a Hong Kong-based company.
I also had an opportunity to work with a client with a passion for fashion and empowering women. 

At the Upgrade to see actual infont, I am a recruiter, manager of content creators, HR manager and recruiter, and Customer Service/PR manager. I started as an executive assistant then went my way up as a sales manager, influencer coordinator, PR manager, wholesale coordinator and recruiter/trainer at Banish, a beauty company in California. 
During my free time, I blog and vlog about beauty, fashion, relationships, health, and any random topic in mind. I'm a very hardworking person and I tend to put my heart into everything I do. 

I'm excited to have the opportunity to work with you. I hope to have the chance to be of service to you; bring more blessings to you and your company.

If you hire me, it's like having an entire team in one person. I am trustworthy, and I will be your partner in crime to help you make your business grow. I can be the "all-around gal" to assist you in everything you and your business possibly need. Let me be a part of that growth. 

Top Skills

Marketing » Content Creation » Article Writing

Experience: 5 - 10 years

Work as a ghost writer for my employer who is the CEO and owner of a skincare brand. My work has been published in Forbes & other big magazines

Human Resources » Recruiting

Experience: 5 - 10 years

I know what to look for from a candidate and I have discernment that causes me to hire the best - someone who will stay for years.

Other Skills

Basic Information

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Mandaluyong, NCR
Tests Taken
Score:  122
Dominance: 3
Influence: 1
Steadiness: 2
Compliance: 6
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