
Graphic Designer, Video Editor & Web Desginer

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Looking for full-time work (8 hours/day)

at $7.00/hour ($1,232.00/month)

Associates Degree

Last Active

July 27th, 2024 (today)

Member Since

January 26th, 2021

Profile Description

I'm Upgrade to see actual info Upgrade to see actual info S. Upgrade to see actual info I am Video Editor and Graphic Designer for almost 5 years I do wide range of design software, including Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and InDesign. I have been employed in both print and digital media, so I understand how to create designs that are effective both online and in print. I am also an expert at creating logos, illustrations, and other graphics and videos. Since then, I've been passionate about swiftly developing my design skills. In an effort to do this, I started to examine the abilities or characteristics of people who held positions such as Senior Designer, Design Manager, or even Head of Design. As of now, I am a professional graphic designer with five years of experience. Over the course of my five years of experience, I have worked with a variety of companies and businesses and have focused on simple designs and the proper format.

I have an impressive portfolio of video editing projects, ranging from television commercials to feature films. I am highly proficient in the use of Adobe Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro and have knowledge of the latest industry trends and techniques. In my previous position as Video Editor for Investor Fuel Real Estate, I have successfully edited more than 500 videos for a variety of clients and platforms. I have experience in creating animations, graphics and special effects for videos, as well as in sound editing and mixing.

I am highly organized and detail-oriented, with the ability to work in a fast-paced environment with tight deadlines. I have excellent communication and interpersonal skills, enabling me to work effectively with a variety of teams and stakeholders. I am also comfortable working independently, using my own initiative to prioritize tasks and complete projects.

You can Check my Website and my Portfolio so that you may know my work and designs.<8efe80624d780eba0c6493ec45140364>Skype:Upgrade to see actual infoUpgrade to see actual info

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Top Skills

Design » Adobe » Photoshop

Experience: 5 - 10 years

I work as a graphic design, my daily job is to create Illustration and branding for company or client products. I'm used to working under pressure and I love all of creative process. I Worked regularly on graphic, layout, and production materials I Manage all the responsibilities especially to the Task. I am problem solver and motivated person, I Successfully manage and coordinate graphic design projects from concept through completion, I can bring to your organization not only my ideas and my skills from my previous job, but my general passion is to help the company Success and Grow. I care most about satisfying the needs of my clients, and go the extra mile to meet their specific requests. One of my key skills in Photoshop is photo retouching. I have honed my ability to remove imperfections, such as blemishes or wrinkles, from portraits while maintaining a natural look. This skill requires attention to detail and an understanding of facial anatomy. Additionally, I am proficient in color correction and manipulation. Whether it's adjusting the white balance or creating unique color effects, I can transform the mood and tone of an image with ease. This skill allows me to create visually stunning compositions that evoke specific emotions. Another area where I excel is in graphic design. With Photoshop's extensive array of tools and features, I can create eye-catching logos, posters, and advertisements. From selecting the right fonts to arranging elements in a visually appealing manner, my designs are both aesthetically pleasing and effective at conveying messages. Lastly, my knowledge extends to compositing multiple images into seamless compositions. By carefully blending different elements together using layer masks and adjustment layers, I can create surreal scenes that defy reality. In conclusion, my skills in Photoshop encompass photo retouching, color correction, graphic design, and compositing. These abilities allow me to bring out the best in images while adding my own creative touch. With each project I undertake using this software, my skills continue to grow as I explore new techniques and push the boundaries of what is possible in digital image editing.

Design » Graphic Design

Experience: 5 - 10 years

I'm Daniel Marc S. Nolasco a Graphic Designer, I got my start as a graphic designer by creating a Book Covers in 99designs and I became passionate about improving my design abilities as quickly as possible. In an attempt to do so I began to analyze what skills or attributes individuals possessed with titles like Senior Designer, Design Manager, or even a Head of Design. I began to focus on a simple designs and practice the right format on how to become professional graphic designer as of now I am 5 years Graphic Designer since 2018 in my almost 6 years Experience I've had completely different jobs before I’ve worked with a wide range of Company Businesses. Graphic design is a skill that combines creativity, technical knowledge, and an eye for aesthetics. As a graphic designer, I possess a range of skills that enable me to create visually appealing and impactful designs, my proficiency in various design software sets me apart. I am well-versed in Adobe Creative Suite, including Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. These tools allow me to manipulate images, create illustrations, and design layouts with precision and finesse. Additionally, my understanding of typography helps me choose the right fonts to convey the desired message effectively, I have a keen eye for detail and composition. I understand the importance of balance and harmony in design elements such as color schemes and spacing. This enables me to create visually pleasing designs that capture attention while maintaining readability, my ability to think creatively allows me to come up with innovative solutions for design challenges. Whether it's creating a logo that represents a brand's identity or designing an engaging user interface for a website or app, I can think outside the box to deliver unique and impactful designs, my strong communication skills enable me to collaborate effectively with clients and colleagues. I can understand their vision and translate it into visual concepts that meet their requirements while adding my creative touch. my skills in graphic design encompass proficiency in design software, attention to detail and composition, creative thinking abilities, as well as strong communication skills. These qualities make me well-equipped to excel in the field of graphic design by producing visually stunning designs that leave a lasting impact on viewers.

Video Editing

Experience: 2 - 5 years

I have an impressive portfolio of video editing projects, ranging from television commercials to feature films. I am highly proficient in the use of Adobe Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro and have knowledge of the latest industry trends and techniques. In my previous position as Video Editor for Investor Fuel Real Estate, I have successfully edited more than 500 videos for a variety of clients and platforms. I have experience in creating animations, graphics and special effects for videos, as well as in sound editing and mixing. Video editing is a skill that I have developed and honed over the years. From a young age, I was captivated by the power of visual storytelling and the ability to manipulate footage to create a compelling narrative. As technology advanced, so did my passion for video editing.I have spent countless hours mastering various software programs such as Adobe Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro. These tools allow me to seamlessly cut, trim, and arrange footage to create a cohesive story. Additionally, I am well-versed in color correction and grading techniques, which enhance the overall look and feel of a video. One of my strengths as a video editor is my attention to detail. I understand that every frame matters and strive for perfection in every project I undertake. Whether it's removing unwanted elements from a shot or ensuring smooth transitions between scenes, I take pride in delivering high-quality work. I am skilled in incorporating visual effects into videos. Whether it's adding text overlays or creating stunning motion graphics, I enjoy pushing the boundaries of creativity to make videos visually engaging. I also possess strong storytelling abilities. Understanding how to structure a narrative and evoke emotions through visuals is crucial in capturing an audience's attention. By carefully selecting shots and arranging them in a logical sequence, I can effectively convey messages and tell stories that resonate with viewers, my skills in video editing encompass both technical proficiency and creative storytelling abilities. With each project that comes my way, I am eager to showcase my expertise while continuously learning and growing as an editor.

Other Skills

Real Estate » Photo Editing

Experience: 5 - 10 years

Photo editing is a skill that I have honed over the years, and it has become an integral part of my creative expression. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for visual storytelling, I have developed the ability to transform ordinary photographs into captivating works of art. One of my primary skills in photo editing is color correction. I understand the importance of achieving the right balance of colors to enhance the mood and atmosphere of an image. Whether it's adjusting the white balance or fine-tuning individual hues, I can bring out the true essence of a photograph. Additionally, I excel in retouching and enhancing images. From removing blemishes and imperfections to adding subtle effects, I can make any subject look flawless without compromising their natural beauty. Moreover, I am adept at manipulating backgrounds and creating composite images that seamlessly blend elements together. Another skill that sets me apart in photo editing is my proficiency in using various software programs such as Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom. These tools allow me to experiment with different techniques and push the boundaries of creativity. Furthermore, my attention to detail ensures that every aspect of an image is meticulously edited. Whether it's adjusting exposure levels or sharpening details, I strive for perfection in every edit. In conclusion, my skills in photo editing encompass color correction, retouching, background manipulation, software proficiency, and attention to detail. Through these abilities, I am able to transform photographs into visually stunning pieces that evoke emotions and tell compelling stories.

Design » Adobe » Illustrator

Experience: 5 - 10 years

One of my key skills in Illustrator is creating intricate and detailed illustrations. With the help of various tools such as the pen tool, shape builder, and gradient mesh, I can meticulously craft every element of my artwork. Whether it's a portrait, landscape, or abstract piece, I strive for perfection in every stroke. Another skill that sets me apart as an Illustrator user is my ability to manipulate colors effectively. The software provides a wide range of color options and blending modes that allow me to experiment with different palettes and create captivating compositions. From vibrant and bold hues to subtle gradients, I can evoke various emotions through the strategic use of color. Furthermore, I am proficient in creating vector graphics using Illustrator. This skill enables me to design logos, icons, and other scalable graphics that retain their quality regardless of size or resolution. The precision offered by vector graphics allows for versatility in application across different mediums such as print or web. In conclusion, my skills in using Illustrator encompass intricate illustration techniques, effective color manipulation, and proficiency in creating vector graphics. These abilities enable me to express my creativity fully while delivering visually appealing artwork. With continued practice and exploration of new features within Illustrator's repertoire, I am confident that my skills will only grow stronger over time.

Design » Font & Typographic Design

Experience: 2 - 5 years

Font and typographic design are essential elements in the world of graphic design. As a designer, it is crucial to possess a deep understanding of these skills to effectively communicate messages through visual means. One of my key skills in font and typographic design is the ability to select appropriate fonts that align with the intended message and target audience. I have a keen eye for identifying fonts that evoke specific emotions or convey certain characteristics. Whether it's a bold and modern font for a tech company or an elegant and sophisticated font for a luxury brand, I can choose the perfect typeface to enhance the overall aesthetic. Additionally, I am proficient in typography layout and composition. I understand how different fonts interact with each other, ensuring harmonious combinations that create visually appealing designs. Attention to detail is crucial when it comes to spacing, kerning, leading, and alignment – all of which contribute to readability and legibility. Furthermore, my skillset extends beyond traditional typography into custom lettering and calligraphy. I have honed my hand-lettering techniques over years of practice, allowing me to create unique designs tailored specifically for clients' needs. In conclusion, my skills in font and typographic design enable me to effectively communicate messages through visual means. From selecting appropriate fonts to creating harmonious layouts or even crafting custom lettering pieces – I am well-equipped with the necessary tools to excel in this field.

Design » Thumbnail & Social Media Design

Experience: 5 - 10 years

Thumbnail and social media design skills are essential in today's digital age. With the increasing popularity of online platforms, it has become crucial for individuals and businesses to create visually appealing content that captures the attention of their target audience. As a graphic designer with expertise in thumbnail and social media design, I possess the necessary skills to excel in this field. Firstly, I have a strong understanding of color theory and composition, which allows me to create eye-catching thumbnails that stand out amidst the sea of content on various platforms. I am adept at using different design software such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, enabling me to manipulate images and graphics effectively. Moreover, I have a keen eye for detail, ensuring that every element in my designs is well-placed and visually pleasing. Whether it is selecting fonts or arranging images, I pay meticulous attention to ensure coherence and consistency throughout my work. Furthermore, I stay updated with current design trends and best practices specific to social media platforms. This knowledge allows me to tailor my designs according to each platform's requirements while maintaining brand identity. Lastly, effective communication is another skill that sets me apart. Collaborating with clients or team members requires clear articulation of ideas and understanding their vision for the project. Through effective communication, I can deliver designs that align with their expectations. In conclusion, my skills in thumbnail and social media design make me a valuable asset in today's digital landscape. With an eye for detail, proficiency in design software, knowledge of current trends, and effective communication abilities; I am equipped to create visually stunning content that captivates audiences across various online platforms.

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Butuan City, Agusan del Norte
Tests Taken
Score:  125
Dominance: 32%
Influence: 11%
Steadiness: 34%
Compliance: 23%
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