
Amazon VA - Keyword Research - Product Listing Optimization

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Looking for full-time work (8 hours/day)

at $2.00/hour ($352.00/month)

Bachelors degree

Last Active

June 4th, 2024 (13 days ago)

Member Since

December 10th, 2020

Profile Description

As an Amazon Keyword Researcher, Product Lister, and Product Listing Optimization Specialist, my primary goal is to drive the success and growth of brands on the Amazon marketplace. By identifying high-impact keywords, I aim to boost traffic and sales. As a Product Listing Specialist, I strive to create compelling and optimized listings that maximize visibility and conversion. In Product Listing Optimization, my focus is on continuously refining listings to improve search rankings and enhance overall sales performance. 

Amazon Keyword Researcher: 
- In-depth Keyword Analysis: Proficient in identifying high-traffic, relevant keywords that potential customers use to search for products.
- Competitor Research: Skilled at analyzing competitors’ keywords and identifying gaps or opportunities for differentiation.
- Search Volume and Trend Analysis: Capable of evaluating keyword search volumes and trends to predict future demand and adjust strategies accordingly.
- SEO Best Practices: Knowledgeable in Amazon’s A9 algorithm and how to leverage keywords for maximum organic ranking.
- Tool Proficiency: Experienced in using keyword research tools such as Helium 10, Jungle Scout, and MerchantWords to extract and analyze keyword data.
- Long-tail Keywords: Expertise in identifying and utilizing long-tail keywords to capture niche markets and reduce competition.

Amazon Product Lister
- Detailed Product Information: Ability to write clear, concise, and informative product titles, backend search terms, bullet points, and descriptions that highlight key features and benefits.
- High-Quality Images: Proficient in selecting and uploading high-quality product images that meet Amazon’s standards and enhance the visual appeal of listings.
- Compliance Knowledge: Thorough understanding of Amazon’s listing policies and guidelines to ensure all listings are compliant and avoid suspension.
- Category Selection: Expertise in choosing the most appropriate and effective product categories and subcategories to maximize visibility.
- Variation Listings: Knowledgeable in creating and managing variation listings for products with multiple sizes, colors, or other options.
- Tool Proficiency: Experienced in using Amazon Seller Central including bulk file upload listing tools to streamline and optimize the product listing process.

Amazon Product Listing Optimization
- Keyword Integration: Expertise in strategically placing high-performing keywords throughout product titles, descriptions, bullet points, and backend search terms.
- Content Optimization: Ability to create engaging and persuasive content that resonates with target audiences and emphasizes unique selling points.
- Customer Feedback Integration: Ability to incorporate customer reviews and feedback into product listings to address common concerns and improve satisfaction.

Top Skills

SEO » Keyword Research

Experience: 1 - 2 years

E-Commerce » Product Optimization

Experience: Less than 6 months

Office and Administration » Data Entry

Other Skills

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Davao City, Davao Del Sur
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