
With a passion and a commitment in helping others achieve

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Looking for part-time work (5 hours/day)

at $5.00/hour ($550.00/month)

Bachelors degree

Last Active

June 12th, 2024 (4 days ago)

Member Since

June 15th, 2020

Profile Description

With 4 years of virtual assistant experience in entrepreneurship and management, I specialize in social media management and Amazon online arbitrage.  I have delved into online arbitrage and product sourcing, utilizing tools such as Keepa, SellerAmp, ScoutX, Tactical Arbitrage, and Flipmine. I bring a unique blend of expertise to help businesses thrive in the digital marketplace. Let me help you achieve your digital marketing goals and stand out in the competitive marketplace. 

As Social Media Manager                                       
Designing Graphics, Editing Videos, Content Creation, Social Media Management, Creating Engaging Visuals 

• Instagram Expertise
 • Facebook Expertise 
• Canva Video Editing
 • Content Creation
 • Social Media Post Design
 • Scheduling Social Media Posts 
• YouTube Thumbnail Design
• CANVA Expertise
 • Logo Design Services
• Banner Design Solutions
 • Package & Label Design
 • Flyer/Brochure Design
• Mock-up Creation
• T-shirt Design Services 

 As Amazon Product Researcher

I research products by following my client’s criteria and willing to suggest my own knowledge. 
• Online Arbitrage
• Manual Sourcing 
• Reverse Sourcing 
• Storefront Sourcing 
• Flip Sourcing
 • Keepa Sourcing
• Amazon Seller Central Listing

Top Skills

Design » Graphic Design

Experience: 2 - 5 years

Throughout my journey as a designer, I have had the incredible opportunity to apply my skills in non-professional settings such as the Church, school, and personal clothing business. In these contexts, I have delved into the world of graphic design, creating captivating visuals for social media marketing, programs, announcements, and more. Within the Church, I have utilized my design expertise to craft visually appealing graphics for events, and social media campaigns. In the school environment, I have collaborated with teachers and administrators to design eye-catching posters, banners, and flyers for various events. These designs have played an integral role in attracting attention, communicating important details, and fostering a sense of excitement among students. Additionally, I have had the opportunity to channel my design skills into a my personal clothing business. From logo creation, making video content about the reviews of my products to promote and more. Through social media marketing, I have leveraged my design skills to create engaging content that captures attention, and promotes brand awareness. By using a combination of captivating visuals, and strategic layout. Overall, my experiences in design within the Church, school, and personal clothing business have allowed me to explore the diverse applications of graphic design beyond traditional professional settings. These experiences have not only honed my design skills but have also taught me the importance of effective communication, understanding the target audience, and capturing the essence of a message through visual elements.

Other Skills

Real Estate » Marketing

Experience: 1 - 2 years

In my role as a Real Estate Marketer, I have had the opportunity to explore the power of social media in promoting properties and attracting potential buyers. Through strategic social media campaigns, I have created visually appealing content that showcases the unique features and selling points of various properties. By utilizing targeted advertising, I have been able to reach a wider audience and generate leads for real estate agents. Additionally, I have leveraged analytics and insights to optimize marketing strategies, ensuring maximum engagement and conversions. This hands-on experience in real estate marketing through social media has allowed me to understand the importance of compelling visuals, persuasive copy, and effective targeting in driving successful property sales.

Office and Administration » Transcription

Experience: Less than 6 months

Office and Administration » Data Entry

Experience: Less than 6 months

During my time as a Teacher intern, I had the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in data entry within a school setting. As part of my responsibilities, I entered important data such as student grades, and assessment results into the school's database. This experience allowed me to develop a strong attention to detail and organizational skills, ensuring that all information was accurately recorded and easily accessible. Additionally, I collaborated with teachers and administrators to verify data accuracy. This experience in data entry as a Teacher intern has equipped me with the ability to efficiently manage and organize crucial information, contributing to the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the school's administrative processes.

Marketing » Social Media Management » Social Media Marketing

Experience: 1 - 2 years

As a Social Media Marketer for my personal clothing business, I have gained invaluable experience in creating impactful online campaigns. Leveraging my creative skills, I have developed engaging content that resonates with my target audience, driving brand awareness and increasing sales. By utilizing strategic social media platforms, I have crafted visually stunning graphics, compelling copy, and strategic advertisements to captivate and convert potential customers. Through analytics and audience insights, I have optimized my marketing strategies, ensuring maximum reach and engagement. This hands-on experience has allowed me to understand the nuances of effective social media marketing and successfully position my personal clothing business for growth and success.

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Capas, Tarlac
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