Travel researcher + personal assistant

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Full Time


1000 USDT a month, with bonus at end of year depending on performance




May 26, 2024



I am looking for a personal assistant to assist in online research and planning.

I am in my late 30s, raised in the USA & living in Asia now, but originally from the Philippines. I can speak Tagalog. My wife is from New Zealand, and we have two kids age 9 & 12.

My wife & I travel half the year and need help from you to come up with trip ideas, create itineraries, do research, and manage reservations. We want to do novel activities, visit less visited sights, and have unique experiences, so research is very important. We don't want to stick to the most common sites, but want to discover things before they get very popular, so it is very important that we scour travel forums, magazines, other travelers' instagrams, to find as many potential possibilities as possible. We have a flexible budget so many of our favorite vendors, experiences, hotels, etc. are well known only in certain circles, so it may take a lot of stumbling around to find them. We are planning to develop a catalog of ideas so we can be sure to consider them when planning future travels; this is a particular project we'd be working on together.

You do not need to work strict hours, but you do need to be available on messenger promptly to handle issues and travel emergencies as they come up. I am pretty busy myself, so during downtime would expect you to be researching, coming up with novel ideas, and working on our catalog. Occasionally I will need you to do research on lifestyle related issues, such as schooling related matters for our kids or what type of product to buy. I will also give you some of my family photo editing and social media to manage. I will give you access to my skype account, so please be comfortable calling internationally as I find it is much faster to make arrangements that way.


Please have a college degree, a reliable internet connection, and be relatively available off hours -- this is not a weekdays only, 9-5 type job. Please include a resume in your reply.

You should have traveled internationally before, and have a passion for travel. Please do not apply if you only traveled domestically. Please include your personal instagram or blog, any work or interests you've done relevant to travel, such as any travel itineraries planned, favorite travel bloggers, or forums you frequent, etc. If you have backpacked for long periods of time, that's a big plus - please mention it.

If you have used Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom, please let me know as well as that is a big plus when working with photos.

I will likely give you some sample research to complete as a trial if your background is suitable. Thank you!

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