Energetic Virtual Assistant Wanted - data entry, research, CRM management, social media, & more/ Good Paying Job

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Full Time


Php $27,000/Mo or $500 US Dollars/Mo




Mar 31, 2023


I need you to do a variety of tasks. I will create video tutorials for most tasks to help you learn and understand your responsibilities. Here are a few things I will ask you to do… *Manage our Leads in our CRM. Confirm their contact info, and set them up for campaigns *Manage our database as needed *Easy Social Media Marketing & Tasks *Posting Blog Posts to our website *Data Entry into CRM *Ability to create and edit videos is a Plus++ I am looking for a full-time employee who is honest, and works hard and efficiently. You will need good English Communication and decent writing Skills. You need to be good at following instructions and completing your work. Perks to this position… *Your work schedule is flexible. You don’t have to work during US Business hours. *I will be very flexible with you with vacation time and hours worked. *If you do a great job, I will give you opportunities for bonuses or a raise. About Me: I own Upgrade to see actual info and Upgrade to see actual info. I am a Real Estate Agent. I am looking to grow my business and need a good virtual assistant to handle my back-end tasks. To Apply for the job: 1. Send me a message sharing why you want this position. 2. Change the subject line to "I Want to Work for You [Insert my shorter website URL address]" 3. Include one paragraph telling me about your technical skills and whether you know how to edit videos. Editing videos is not required, but is helpful. End this paragraph stating your favorite restraunt you like to eat at. 4. There will be a short Google Meet call between us and video will be required. I look forward to receiving your application : )

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