Digital marketing + copywriting

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Full Time


PHP 50,000/mo




Feb 07, 2024


We're looking for a digital marketing specialist and copywriter ready for a full-time role at a fast growing healthcare startup. This will be for a permanent, long-term role, with a rapidly growing salary each year.

We're looking for candidates with the following experience:
+ At least 3 years experience running and managing digital marketing campaigns
+ At least 3 years experience in copywriting
+ Proficiency in using Microsoft Excel to report digital marketing campaign performance
+ (Preferred) Experience writing copy for Google search ads
+ (Preferred) Familiarity with ad platforms like Google, Facebook, Reddit

And the following qualities:
+ Is extremely organized, and can keep track of the stats for hundreds of different ad groups
+ Has an incredibly high capacity: you’re ready to rapidly climb a steep learning curve and take on as much responsibility as fast as you can handle.
+ Takes ownership: you can take broadly defined objectives, create your own plan, and run it as far forward as possible, checking in where needed.

Your specific responsibilities will be:
+ Manage our campaigns across Google, Facebook, and Reddit (monitor performance, create new ads, write new copy, rotate out old creatives with new ones)
+ Upload SEO content to our blog
+ Be willing to learn new skills and grow with the role. This is going to be a broadly defined and rapidly evolving role. The idea is for you to join and learn what we do and eventually grow into the role.

If you're interested, please reply with the following materials:
1. Share an example of copywriting that you personally wrote (not written as a team)
2. Let us know what is your familiarity with the Google Ad, Facebook Ad, and Reddit Ad platforms (it's OK if you aren't familiar)
3. Share a few examples of emails you've written by you personally in the past 30 days (can be on any topic--we just want to know your natural writing style)

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