Video Editor / Thumbnail Creator

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Full Time






Nov 23, 2023



I need an experienced full-time Video Editor / Thumbnail Creator for my YouTube Channel.

I need someone who is detailed-oriented who understands the necessary elements of creating a YouTube thumbnail that people will desire to click on AND be able to edit an engaging video that will increase watch time by adding necessary elements such as sounds, text, animations, infographics, transitions, panning, and stock footage that will make the video more entertaining without me having to give any input.

I need someone who can edit the video, figure out the main point of the video, and know what to put on the thumbnail without me needing to give any input. ALSO, who can edit one quality video and create a thumbnail for that video in one 8-hour shift or less.

You must have a good ability to read, write, and speak English.

Work any 8-hour shift, 5 days per week, that you would like. Starting pay is $400 per month, with the opportunity to move up in the future ALSO I offer performance-based incentives! Whenever you create a video for my channel and the video gets more than a million views within 14 days of uploading, I will compensate you with an extra one-time payment of $500.

Please put the word "hire me" in the subject.

Submit a 60-second edited video sample of the script and voiceover below. Submissions WITHOUT edited video sample will not be considered! Immediate start when selected.

Voice over: Upgrade to see actual info/file/d/1mWpVLdF7i6j4T9T0cuRgDE6DaYaocaEN/view?usp=sharing



Host (Voiceover): Welcome back to Mental Health Mindscape, the channel that delves into the inner workings of the human mind and helps you navigate the complexities of relationships. If you're tired of being single and wondering why it's been so hard to find that special someone, you're in the right place. In today's video, we're going to explore " Why You're Still Single: Top 10 Relationship-Sabotaging Behaviors."

Host (Voiceover): Before we dive into these behaviors, make sure to hit that subscribe button and ring the notification bell so you never miss out on our valuable content. Stay till the very end, you’ll thank me later!
Let's get started.

[Behavior 1: Fear of Vulnerability]
Host (Voiceover): One of the main reasons people stay single is their fear of vulnerability. When you're afraid to open up, share your feelings, and be your authentic self, it can create a barrier between you and potential partners.

[Behavior 2: Unrealistic Expectations]
Host (Voiceover): Unrealistic expectations can also hinder your chances of finding love. It's essential to understand that no one is perfect, and finding a partner who meets all your criteria is highly unlikely.

[Behavior 3: Insecurity]
Host (Voiceover): Insecurity can be a major roadblock in your dating life. Low self-esteem, self-doubt, and a lack of self-confidence can prevent you from putting yourself out there and connecting with others.

[Behavior 4: Overthinking]
Host (Voiceover): Overthinking is another behavior that can keep you single. Constantly analyzing every interaction and worrying about the smallest details can lead to paralysis by analysis.

[Behavior 5: Lack of Communication]
Host (Voiceover): Communication is key in any relationship. If you struggle to express your thoughts and feelings or have trouble listening to your partner, it can make it hard to forUpgrade to see actual infoaningful connections.

[Behavior 6: Clinginess]
Host (Voiceover): Being too clingy or needy can push potential partners away. It's important to strike a balance between spending time together and maintaining your independence.

[Behavior 7: Not Taking Care of Yourself]
Host (Voiceover): Self-care is crucial. Neglecting your physical and mental well-being can affect your confidence and make you less attractive to potential partners.

[Behavior 8: Being Closed-Minded]
Host (Voiceover): Being closed-minded and unwilling to compromise can be a major obstacle to finding love. Be open to different perspectives and be willing to adapt.

[Behavior 9: Holding onto Past Baggage]
Host (Voiceover): Carrying emotional baggage from past relationships can prevent you from moving forward. It's essential to heal from past wounds before entering a new relationship.

[Behavior 10: Lack of Self-Love]
Host (Voiceover): Lastly, a lack of self-love can keep you single. Remember that you deserve love and respect, and it starts with loving and respecting yourself.

Host (Voiceover): There you have it, the "10 Behaviors That Keep You Single." If any of these behaviors sound familiar, don't worry; awareness is the first step towards change. Start working on these aspects of yourself, and you'll be on your way to improving your chances in the dating world.

Host (Voiceover): If you found this video helpful, give it a thumbs up, share it with your friends, and don't forget to subscribe and ring the notification bell for more valuable content on Mental Health Mindscape. Remember, you have the power to change and improve your dating life. Thanks for watching, and we'll see you in the next video!

Here are examples of the types of editing styles I would like:

And thumbnails similar to:

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Upgrade to see actual info
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If this sounds like something you can do, please send me your sample of your edited video here or to Upgrade to see actual info

Thank you very much, and I look forward to hearing from you!

Keith L. Hines

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