Part Time
May 24, 2024
In this position, you will be calling on Doctor and Dental offices and making calls to about 100 people per day to see if they need products that we sell.
- We are looking for someone who can speak English well
- Good pace, pitch and tone ,and the ability to be natural and conversational, not scripted and stilted
- Excellent communication and rapport-building skills
- Consistency with calling hours. This is to ensure that
- Great techniques to deal with tough Gatekeepers. You won’t get far if you don’t get through
- someone who is looking to be involved in a hustle culture and be willing to improve on the daily
- Someone who likes to be on the phones
- Someone who has a good internet connection
- Someone who is able to take rejection well
- Someone with the gift of gab
- A positive attitude and sunny disposition
- Team player
- Solution seeker
- Aggressive patience
In the subject line write: I read this for Telemarketer
Please answer the below questions:
1) What is your experience in making sales calls?
2) Are you willing to work hours in Pacific Standard Time?
3) How do you overcome objections?
4) What skills make an effective telemarketer?
5) What special skills do you think are required to sell over the phone?
Please provide an audio recording introducing yourself