Current Employment Status:
Hired Part Time on Jun 3, 2022


Computer Scientist, Writer, Blogger, Photo and Video Editor

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Looking for full-time work (8 hours/day)

at $11.00/hour ($1,936.00/month)

Bachelors degree

Last Active

May 27th, 2024 (14 days ago)

Member Since

April 20th, 2014

Profile Description

I have a Bachelors Degree in Computer Science, graduated Cum Laude last June 2018 from the most prestigious university in our country, the University of the Philippines. While most of the curriculum of my course is mostly research-related, meaning we were not trained in web or android development, I still have some experience in Web Developing, but am most comfortable in coding with C, C++ and Python. I am also currently improving on my skills in Android Development using SDK and also interested in Unity for game development. I do have very little experience in the fields that are needed in most of the job postings, but I am very eager to learn, and in fact I learn very quickly and am very productive once I get the hang of something.

I have been writing articles, stories, and advertisements in various school papers, blogs and other websites. I have been critically inclined in the field because of my natural English fluency since birth and very good educational background since I am a scholar who graduated from Philippine Science High School; the most prestigious high school in the Philippines that has the "extreme" curriculum compared to the other high schools. I have also improved my writing in the University of the Philippines especially in technical writing, which is used in my thesis that I had recently submitted in an international journal.

I have a very pleasing personality, and am very friendly and willing to work with anyone. I can even talk to you about many things, like music, sports, and movies!

I am a very reliable person and I have the reputation of always doing my best in my job. I am looking forward for a nice opportunity and I will not bring you down.

Top Skills

Other Skills

Web Programming » Javascript » Node JS

Experience: Less than 6 months

Basic Information

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Pagadian City, Zamboanga del sur
Tests Taken
Score:  129
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