Experienced video editor

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Part Time






Aug 09, 2020


we help people learn how to cook vegetarian japanese food. Our purpose is to help people live longer healthier lives. We accomplish this while having fun, learning and of course cooking lots of plant based japanese food!

Our current products consists of cookbooks, online cooking classes, and a membership. We run 2 facebook groups, a youtube channel, a blog, instagram, and pinterest to help make this goal a reality.

Our Core Values:
- be the light: we treat others the way we want to be treated (this includes yourself!) we always exercise kindness, love, empathy and Upgrade to see actual infot an example for others and show others the good in this world.

We love to delight and go above and beyond. We believe quality is always better than quantity.

- seek growth: We are always learning, trying to understand, trying to grow and contribute to the greater good. We do not assume and when we don’t know, we always ask questions.

There’s never a dumb question, the dumb thing is not asking when you have one! There’s always something you can improve upon, but be patient with yourself - like a tree growth takes time.

Each day is a new opportunity for us to help, to give and be a part of creating something that never existed before!

- responsibility: We understand we always play a role in everything that happens in life.
When something doesn't go our way, when we don’t get what we want, we accept that we played a role in that outcome.

We do not blame someone or something or act like we are a victim. We firmly believe we have the power to change, to make the difference and get what we want in Upgrade to see actual infothing happens to us - we make things happen.

- be impeccable to your word: When we say we will do something, we do it. This means being honest - if we made a mistake, we admit Upgrade to see actual info’s okay to make mistakes and it’s not the end of the world! This also means we are accountable to our goals.
We either hit them or we didn’t, no excuses. We are people others can trust and count on. We never speak ill of others because when we speak ill of others, we are really speaking ill of ourselves.

- be grateful: We practice gratitude daily and especially with each opportunity. We celebrate all wins, no matter how small they may seem. Gratitude opens the door for abundance and for you to receive additional material and immaterial resources as well as opportunity that is naturally yours.

When we have gratitude, it enables us to have peace and be happy. Maybe it’ll make you smile, laugh, and enjoy life just a bit Upgrade to see actual infopecially when you are able to acknowledge how good you have it. Happiness comes from within and is a choice, so why not choose to be happy?


Video editor responsibilities
- you will provide a clean engaging and fun video for various topics including travel, vlog, talking head, advertising and cooking videos
-create thumbnails and trailers for full length videos
-provide ideas for improvement
-assist in finding new topics and research as needed
-assist in growing video asset library with templates for graphics, overlays, transitions, music
-assist in reusing videos across social media- youtube, linkedin, facebook, instagram, pinterest etc

to apply, you must meet these 2 criteria
1. one year of video editing with Adobe After effects 2019 / Premiere or DaVinci resolve
2. Fast in home internet connection with computer

if you meet criteria above, submit the following:
1. 2 of your best examples of edited videos
2. Tell me what kind of computer you have (include - cpu, video card and type of hard drive )
3. a favorite inspirational quote
4. your skype id

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